
We can't stop complaining about it because then EA will think they got away with it. They need to know that there's a massive body out there that will forgive them when TOR fails spectacularly and they come crawling back with a KotOR 3 and some gas station flowers.

Ah, now your spite makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

That wasn't offensive at all...

You'd have kept the PS3 "as a lesson"? Wow. Way to be condescending.

Hey there. Just popping in to say that I hate EA, that BioWare Austin is actually just an EA studio with a BioWare sticker on and that I want FUCKING KOTOR 3 ALREADY.

If you're going to tell an interactive love story then you're not going to do anything new. Dating sims have been around for years.

The mindfuck will be that that guy is YOU. Now that you've finished playing the AC games you have to take what you learnt from Desmond into the real world to fight Templars. It's real, man.

I really thought he'd be getting a buckler made out of the same metal as the hidden blades for at least a partway plausible explanation, but it looks like he'll just be taking them bullets like a boss.

Whyyyyyyyyyy did you have to put the idea of an epic scale Ice and Fire MMO in my head? Now I want what I can't have.

So the LH website goes down without warning for over a week. When it comes back up we're greeted with the news that their venerable forums with one of the most friendly, welcoming communities I've ever seen on the internet (certainly the most friendly and welcoming gaming forum I've seen) have been unceremoniously

"Keeping the others at bay with a pistol aimed squarely at their nose will allow you to grab the arrow from the corpse of the first victim for reuse. Rinse, repeat until all enemies are wasted, and you stay alive with flawless victory."

Doesn't sound daring enough. I'm stunned that entire groups of enemies will stand scared while you kill them all one by one with the same arrow. Tension evaporated. Looks like the pressure's on The Last Of Us to provide a compelling survival story.

Depends whether you deem sidequests to be part of the core of the game.

Ash's life got a lot more exciting since I watched the animé as a child. Gary used to sometimes mock him by showing him how many badges he had.

Because there's fun in Kinect that there isn't in a controller. Because Kinect is immediately accessible and friendly to people unfamiliar with controllers or gaming. Because gaming is a growing medium and it's good for creators to experiment. Because without novel controls there would be no reason to publish an

Anyone else think that by the headline they meant "we couldn't bear seeing Apple take a 30% cut of our successful game, so we're pulling it from iTunes and starting a competing app store"?

Or "Desmond".

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise that you were trolling at first. Now that your second post has made it patently obvious, allow me to stop replying.

It's Kotaku East time. i.e. Brian's happy hour. Chill out and don't click on it if you're STILL going to bitch after the reshuffle AND Kotaku Core.

Of ALL the things, why change the helmet? It's sooooooooo annooooooooooying.