Great Boos Up

Dude, spoilers, I DVRed it!

It bugs me that later in the 80s he became a generic blond guy.

I would say "ruggedly handsome version of the Men's Wearhouse guy."

Also this character was originally designed to be played by Donald Sutherland circa 1979.

Claremont's Wolverine might call her a frail.

Am I the only one who finds her voice endearing?

It's a Murder on the Orient Express kind of thing, eh?

You'll never figure out which one I am!

Being from the same state as him fuels my hate because he's OUR problem. People were like, "Well, Ryan's a fiscal conservative, he'll be a check on Trump," but I know all too well that he'll cosign whatever nefarious shit you put in front of him so long as you let him cut taxes at the top when it's over.

Actually, it apparently was the music as well. Quoted from Wikipedia, the co-writer (who also apparently wrote the lyrics to "My Heart Will Go On":

Catch you on the flippity flop!

We have sort of a unique situation with Trump here. Most politicians mocked on SNL might acknowledge the impression with more or less good humor or just ignore it, but you never got the sense that, say, any of the Bushes were watching every week without fail. Certainly Dick Cheney never lost any sleep over Darrell

Blackagar Boltagon

Thanks a lot, Zatanna, now Joey Pants no longer exists!

Ah, I long for the simpler, more innocent days when Zack Snyder was AV Club Enemy No 1.

Luther said I could learn something from you. I already know how to drink…

Now we'll get Newswires from the Other Side, which will keep us informed of celebrity goings-on in the afterlife. What IS Orson Welles up to these days?


Well to be outraged at tobacco use in a movie seems kind of dumb to me, but then I also thought it was a fine message when Marvel banned its heroes from smoking (the Thing, Wolverine, and Nick Fury being notorious cigar smokers), and I thought the outrage about THAT was dumb.

Why are you talking in that nasal voice all of a sudden…?