Great Boos Up

Yeah, a sexual "fuck" is an automatic R. I THINK you can have two non-sexual "fucks" and still get a PG-13 (or possibly I'm thinking of British TV where Spaced could only use it twice an episode).

Which is why I didn't complain.

Well, I do think, "If you voted for X, you should quit!" is a gross precedent to set. And people are allowed to boycott anything they want for any reason. If a company had done this regarding Obama, I would've probably taken my business elsewhere, so it would be hypocritical of me to say, "Go, GrubHub guy."

Good, I've been looking for a new larva supplier!

The other thing that bugs me about the "smug liberal" line is…aren't conservatives smug? Hannity, O'Reilly, that fuckin Milo guy, isn't their whole schtick shaking their heads at those looney libs who are At It Again? Doesn't every right-wing troll who drops in here try to argue from the assumption of intellectual

If it meant we could finally get an interview with him, I say give him the position!

And explicitly at the end of the movie:

Jesus Christ, he is LITERALLY talking about bringing back HUAC now.

Jesus Christ, he is LITERALLY talking about bringing back HUAC now.

Well, I hope work didn't need me to accomplish anything today…

Super Metroid is, as far as I am concerned, the apex of video game graphics. Later games added more depth and texture, modern games added more realism, but I can't personally think of any game more BEAUTIFUL.

I just looked it up. Expensive, but not worth quite enough that I'd want to sell mine.

Hm, posted some links but it looks like those might be flagged for spam because they're links?

I would argue there is no more purely triumphant scene in all of cinema. It's so low-stakes by modern reckoning, but it plays you so wonderfully.

I always get chills at the way he lays Lois' body on the ground and he gives this slight quiver when she drops too suddenly. Then that crazy howl as he takes off into the sky.

He's…he's smiling at US…

The last two days when I've needed to unplug, I've been going through random profiles at the Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe.

This coffee is too bitter where's my Splendaman?

Ah but there again we see how they are different! Trump prefers LESS color.

"For starters, Trump literally wrote the book on negotiating, called The Art of the Deal."