Great Boos Up

But what does our own Lupin Addams have to say about this???

No you don't, Oprah!!

He's like that uncle who seems cool when you're a kid because he seems like he plays by his own rules, and if he catches you sneaking a beer when you're 15 he won't bust you. Then one day you're in your mid-twenties and over Thanksgiving dinner you realize he's always been kind of an asshole.

"It sounded like a good idea until I realized it meant I would constantly be smelling my own balls."

This project may have originated with Trump; remember, he's got no problem with torture.


That exchange is one of my favorite Simpsons bits. There's so much to unpack. Burns getting distracted by his own story, then Smithers do diplomatically correcting him.

I don't know how they arrived at that portrayal for Koopa, but he lives in a tower in an alternate Manhattan with KOOPA plastered on it, and it was 1993, so I have to think Trump was at least in the back of their minds.

Daniel Clamp in Gremlins 2 is self-important and grandiose, but ultimately good natured. I submit Dennis Hopper in Super Mario Bros, which really makes you stop and think that when it came time to adapt an evil cartoon lizard to the big screen, they based it on Trump.

It is almost as if he is inconstant in his positions!

I sincerely thought one of the few really clever things this movie did was short circuit criticism that the new villain isn't as good as Darth Vader by having the villain explicitly try and fail to be as good as Darth Vader.

That's easy to say with your Gallifreyan privilege!

I've seen a bunch of articles like this. And yes, only a fool of a Democrat would think, "There is nothing we could have done better, let's learn no lessons for next time."

I attended a Moody Blues concert in Wisconsin this past weekend. The crowd is, understandably, an older one—late 40s to early 60s, looking well to do, attending a fancy downtown theater. Anyhoo at one point the bassist (a 71 year old man in leather pants) talks about "surviving" the 60s and the crowd cheered, and the

This happened to me several times yesterday at work. I'd be going along doing my job, and suddenly, an intrusive thought: "Don't forget: Trump will be president." FUCK!

Lays are not meant to be dipped. They're straight-cut! (Flat cut?) Ruffles are the chips you want.

Mythbusters says it's okay! You're not my mom!

Curtis Armstrong as J Jonah Jameson

That is my assumption and it was my fear all along—that people would tut and click their tongues and say oh what a bad man, but when it came time to vote they'd pull the lever for him anyway.

Yes, this is why liberals lose overall…because of articles like this.