Great Boos Up

I think if Spotted Cow were plentiful, it wouldn't be such a big deal. It's good, I like it, but it's like a Sam Adams-level "Eh, decent!" beer. The same brewery (New Glarus) themselves make better beers.

But the Trumpists LIKE Trump because he IS threatening, he IS aggressive.

I honestly don't know. I supported Sanders. But I don't know that he would've done any better. Would the number of Bernie or Busters have put him over the top (in the right locations, remember)? Or were there just too many shitheads on the Trump Train to be corralled?

Hey, I tried. I badgered (pun) my apathetic brother in rehab to arrange for a ride to the polling place to suck it up and be counted for Clinton. It was a matter of 27,359 votes in the end.

Man, I do not want to read one more performatively self-flagellating essay from someone in the media about how they "failed us." Fuck you for making this all about yourself. This is not about you. This is about a bullying GOP that never stood up to a bigger bully because they thought they could ride his coat tails or

I mentioned this elsewhere, but I actually do not like to drink when I am anxious and depressed. I only ever feel worse when I do, and my brother is currently in rehab for dealing with his mental health issues this way (but I did help make sure he could get out and vote yesterday), so I don't really WANT alcohol to

I am definitely thinking, "Fuck it, Pizza Hut for dinner."

Actually it's because Disqus is jacked and I can't sign in to my regular AV Club account (this is my generic Disqus), but it is accidentally apt.

On the upside, this news may slightly improve the condition of my body if not my mental health, as I am the sort of person who actually does not like to drink when anxious or depressed.

Unless shithead here actually has "Carnival of Light," there's nothing of value in the Beatles catalog he possesses that Beatles fans haven't already been bootlegging for years. What's he got, a take of "Rocky Raccoon" where McCartney accidentally repeats a line twice! Take 60-something of "Not Guilty"? "Sexy Sadie"

This all sounds nice, but I have also heard that all the insects and spiders in Australia are, in fact, out to poison all humans.

HE'LL tell us what to do!

I live in a liberal college town where Democrats regularly run unopposed for local office. You could totally afford to run a more liberal opposition candidate and you wouldn't even have to worry about splitting the vote and electing a Republican! But they don't do it because local politics aren't sexy enough for them.

It might not be gone. I've had it happen before that my AV Club account locked up and I was able to access it again later.

Ural going to hell.

"But we had unskewed polls! Unskewed!"

Hey, I'm not a monster…

They were going to be the bad guys if they ever made a third Buckaroo Banzai.

I generally really like his stuff (although I am The Geek Who Didn't Care For Firefly, Actually) and liked what he brought to the Marvel movies. At the same time, I totally see what it is about his writing that turns some people off.

That's gross!