Great Boos Up

With a nice pregnant pause in there. "We've got to stop Deathstroke……..the Terminator!"

I put on "At the River" by Groove Armada and that put me about right for a little while.

I wrote a weekly humor column for my college newspaper. One time I made a pretty offhanded "Phish sucks" joke and got so many angry emails. Not just "YOU SUCK" but, like, short essays about why I was wrong and what technically proficient musicians they are. (I mean, I did also get some that just said "YOU SUCK.")


I voted straight-ticket Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party. This is Ivor 'Jest-ye-not-madam' Biggun's year!

He's not going to live long enough to fade into obscurity.

Nate Silver is a better man than me, because I would be deliberately fucking with people. Election Day you'd open my webpage and it would be 50-50. "Because in the end, polling doesn't affect anything. Only you control your future! No fate but what we make!"

There's a chance.

He also got laughed at:

This movie's gonna be a DumbleSNORE!

I blame Putin!

It helped when he bumped his funny bone and I asked him where it hurt, but he was eating mouthful of a really sticky PB&J, so he slurred the response, "In this elbow."

Whaddaya got against ME??

Ha, you know, I don't know!

It's already happening! I couldn't log in with my AV Club account so I'm logged in with generic Disqus. But the LAST time it got removed as spam for some reason. (I am the real Great Boos Up, I can prove it! I like ELO and Friday the 13th movies and have a huge crush on Kate McKinnon!)

Some states allow same-day registration, or you can register in advance. In my state, you need photo ID, which is something you can SAY is in place to deter voter fraud (which is vanishingly rare) but more likely it is to deter poorer voters who are less likely to have a driver's license. (You can get an alternative

A guy who loves to play football, so he plays electric football.

Super Mario Bros is all about how immigrants are indoctrinated into capitalism. Coins = money = life. Not health, but pointedly an extra chance; the man who collects 500 coins is going to have a lot more chances to screw up and try again than a poor man.

I had no idea what was supposed to be going on in Mega Man Legends with regards to continuity or whatever, but I thought it was neat.

If only I'd learned to fiddle!