The idea of the BBC finding something “too emotionally muted” made me giggle.
The idea of the BBC finding something “too emotionally muted” made me giggle.
If there’s one shred of slightly less black in this pit of horrific despair, it’s that at least thinking has advanced enough to A) understand a diagnosis of DID, and B) grasp that these various personalities are the evidence of the abuse as opposed to the way-too-long tradition of dismissing a person’s accusation…
I don’t believe that older women are worthless. I’ve never thought that.
Just my childless teacher 2 cents, so take with a grain of salt. If you (as a woman) define your life as a #boymom, it makes my life as said boy's teacher a bit difficult. These boys, as middle schoolers, are very emotional that their teacher doesn't adore them with the intensity of their mom. I genuinely like most…
“perversely tragic figure” who became “lost in his own fable. Wandering the skies in his private jet, enamored of his own mind and image, he forgot that he was merely mortal and may have flown too close to the sun.”
This, I believe, is every parent’s secret nightmare.
I’ve been single for a little shy of four years now, and have reached an age that in Jane Austen terms would be definite and solid spinsterhood. I’ve dated around a little bit (never gotten past a third date), but every connection has just kind of fizzled. And I’ve kind of come to accept that the biggest hurdle to me…
Are you in the US? The next step is the mobilize for the 2020 election.
Have you considered fucking fully off?
In case it wasn’t clear that we are squarely in Nazi territory. I only hope we have our own Nuremberg Trials at the end of this nightmare and hold some of the people accountable.
Thank you! This summary actually conveys meaning. I couldn’t make sense of the article’s convoluted ramblings AT ALL.
I have to say, I think it’s time for Pelosi and the rest of the old Dem guard to go. If we had a House filled with people like AOC, Tlaib, Omar, and Pressley, Donald would be waist-deep in impeachment by now. We can’t afford centrism anymore. The planet literally can’t take any more Republican dominance and their centr…
Get ready for people to lose their shit.
I read that in another review as well, though I also haven’t had a chance to watch the special. That is completely positive, and in my view the best thing to come out of this scandal: people started talking about consent and sex and hopefully changing their approaches to it.
I am actually very curious how someone in Ansari’s position could really own up or say something that would really appease us. It just seems like someone in this position is relatively doomed (rightfully or wrongfully—I’m not making a judgement on that): anything he said would probably have not been enough. And that’s…
I’m looking forward to the photo-real remake of Inside Out, which will just be talking chunks of human brain.
Kentucky is red, red, rose red. AOC would probably get less votes in the entire state than she did in her one district. So, I mean, if someone wants to even be potentially maybe able to win office, they won’t exactly be a NY or SF liberal, you know?
He rapes girl children.
As someone who developed early (C cup by age 12, also tall) believe me, I know about men just deciding how much you “owe” them due to your appearance.