I will probably get chewed out for this, so let me preface this with a couple things:
I will probably get chewed out for this, so let me preface this with a couple things:
AGREED. I wouldn’t mind if they took written audience questions to have a moderator read them or something, but I always watch a bunch of the SDCC panels they put online, and the audience Q&As are just so fucking cringe-y. I’m sure there are good questions about there, but they never seem to pick normal people to ask…
Remember when dudes were getting all upset at Gillette’s Super Bowl ad because commercials shouldn’t tell men what to do?
“Incels also argue that women get similarly invasive procedures regularly and aren’t criticized.”
this is the first time the phrase hanging chad has crossed my mind in almost 20 years...
When my ex confessed that he never loved me and never wanted to be with me and only said what I wanted to hear to be in a relationship with me, I gave him back literally everything he gave me. All the way down to a newspaper article he tore out for me to the gloves his parents bought me to the flowers he gave me.…
There’s no ‘he said, she said’ about her age. She was 18 (probably, maybe even 17 since her birthday is in June) when they met. That’s verifiable fact.
I’m thoroughly enjoying that while most pissing contest posts get dozens of responses within the first few minutes, this post has been up for 2 hours and only has 7 comments on it. I guess no one wants to own up to being an asshole.
Sometimes I get that “I’m a bad friend” feeling when I don’t return someones call for a long time, or I forget a birthday, etc. Then I remember . . . there are people like this woman in the world . . . and I realize that I am doing okay.
This is a story about how a friend pettily betrayed me.
When I was in my mid 20s, my best friend from highschool who had some codependency issues got married to this military guy I didn’t really know that well. She is kind of a loud mouth, and he is very, very quiet, so the few times I hung out with him he said literally nothing to me. When she got engaged, she asked me to…
I know people will be mad but I think he’s kind of perfect.
Never have I fought with or hated a loved one more than when assembling IKEA furniture. It’s the ultimate relationship test.
Um, a couple of questions.
Now that it looks like it might actually happen (the Hound is headed south on a mission), I’m surprised by the lack of excitement about Clegane Bowl.
Jon Snow keeps trying to cast it away and it keeps coming back to him like a demented boomerang.
Honestly this show has become exasperating and I’m only watching because of the capital it built up in the first 5 seasons. It’s like the body is still moving but the brain has long been dead. Like Jon Snows post…
It’s blown my mind for seasons of GoT now that apparently the most difficult thing they’ve done is the direwolf cgi, and they still just look like normal sized dogs.
THE BEST BOY, and Jon just walks off like a fucking popstar abandoning his pet monkey at the airport in Germany (#NeverForget, Beiber, you dick). Ghost ran headfirst into a zombie horde for you, Jon, and lost his ear, and you’re gonna just fuck off without PETTING HIS BEAUTIFUL HEAD? Fuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuu. This…
Honestly all the characters in power, men and women, have been shit for years on the show (the only disturbing difference was the constant use of sexual violence against female characters to “prove a point” writing wise), with the overall message, due to it being fanfiction of the Wars of the Roses and Wars of the…
JON, SAY GOOD BYE TO YOUR VERY GOOD BOY. What a fuckin turd. Justice for Ghost, a Very Good Boy.