
Remember the days before social media when we’d write our awful poetry in a diary and then hide it under the bed where no one would ever, ever see it? Yeah, I miss that.

As a representative of the metal community, I’d just like to say that we do not approve of this creature or his shit music. I don’t know what his fanbase is made up of, but he is not one of us. Throw him to the wolves.

Welcome to New York City. Are you new here?

I’m in love with this story. 2 key things:

I am a mom, and it is obnoxious.

A lot of my friends who are moms are really into this. I’m also a newish mom (15 month old) and I find the lack of reflection on gender roles troubling. My marriage is certainly not without gender roles and my husband and I get in arguments about work distribution all the time. But when it comes to childcare, my

Even if they find out the kid isn’t the missing boy I hope he gets the help and care he needs. 

Influencers can FUCK off. My ex has a weight challenged lazy falsely entitled fuckheaded niece with an even more obnoxious husband. Before marrying they decided to take a 1-month European trip and vblog it on their “Two Fat Americans” YT channel. They hit up hotels, restaurants, shops, landmarks, and such in every

This disease has a name: TWFM

The World is For Me

My daughter actually nailed me years ago (She was maybe nine or ten at the time). I’ve never been one to prank, since I don’t know that I have the social awareness for it, but she got super into them and did some really stupid ones one year (Like moving my chair or something). The following year, though, expecting

My youngest was obsessed with the idea of April Fool’s Day when he was 5. I decided to play a prank on him. I saw it online. Put red Jello in a drinking cup with a straw inside. Tell your child there’s a glass of Hawaiian Punch on the counter. Watch as they try to drink the jello. I did this. He laughed. Then he ate

just cancel these people already, insufferable does not even begin to describe them. and now i see people that i’ve known for 15+ years who lead very boring existences encouraged by this nonsense, somehow thinking that they too need to jump in on this and subject us (and their kids) to this nonsense.

Same with skin - there are certainly things you can do to speed along the aging process (tanning, smoking) but I’m convinced that some people have a genetic predisposition to wrinkle more than others. 

To be fair, European cars are pretty small on average.
Also, You’re a peein’.
I couldn’t help myself.

Peoples health and well being are genetics and luck, thus luck.

I don’t know if you’re being snarky or not because I’m very tired but I was completely shocked when I read 64 - I genuinely thought she was late 40s. 

She’s 64. And that’s despite the vices. She’s fighting aging with one arm tied behind her back- and winning. We should all look that good at that age, may 64 never happen 🍸🤞

I love articles about older, fabulous women and it’s like.. “What’s your secret to looking amazing/living to 100?” and they say “booze and no men”.

God bless this lady, but she looks exactly like I’d expect someone who lives on vodka and Marlboro Reds to look.

My Teta (grandmother) drank (mostly single malt), smoked (Gauloises and the occasional cigar) and gambled (she taught me to play poker when I was still basically a foetus) her way to 99 years young, when she went to sleep one night and didn’t wake up. That, my friends, is living.