
Nobody tell this bigmouthed asshole that the SDNY and NY State AG are still after him.  Let him run his mouth.  Also, Nadler is calling in Barr to testify about this shit.  Two days after a two year report, the DOJ determines there was “no obstruction?” I think not.

That’s what bothers me so much about statements like this. We need to get rid of the notion that abusers are monsters lurking in the shadows. They’re people we know and sometimes people we like. Saying “Oh that person couldn’t have done something terrible because they were not terrible in front of/to me” is part of

The Mueller Report
written by George RR Martin

when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty

But but but...if we had some commie pinko European socialist healthcare here we’d have to wait MONTHS just to get in to see a doctor!

Another key difference is that the New Zealand gun lobby has also come out in favour of banning them, openly stating that there’s no need for assault weapons to be legal while other rifles still regulated will be adequate for hunting needs.

We are talking about someone who, when seeking to facilitate her music career, thought that setting off to live on a houseboat with nothing but live chickens and some potatoes was a viable life option, which is basically peak out-of-touch privileged stupidity.

Listen. It’s going to be your own personal Vietnam. But you will survive and get through it and in the near future you can have the honor of shocking everyone with your birth experience. Being able to share your gory details is an honor. It will be ok.

I don’t know how I feel about this. I had a rough birth, and it probably was one factor for why I didn’t have any other children. I was not prepared for how rough it was, and I wish I had heard more stories in advance. I live in a hippy dippy part of the country and the stories that I hear are all “I gave birth in a

I delivered 2 big babies “naturally” — only because of some bureaucratic circumstances — and while I wouldn’t describe childbirth as easy or fun, things thankfully and luckily went pretty much the way you’d expect: some pain, some pushing, then baby. (For the record I have five best friends and none of them have any

My mom’s first birth story is a mosh pit of malpractice and despair, but she did get one amusing story out of it. At the time my parents lived in Cambridge in England and it had precisely one ambulance. Mom was in a bad way and needed that ambulance, but it was currently occupied by a babbling man in a straight

You’ll be fine! Just plan and prep. I have no idea, I’m a gay man who adopted a child...but I’m on your side!

Me too, and then my second thought was they were directing their kids in porn :/

I legitimately read that headline to mean that these moms were going to be starring in a porn that their children would then watch. While still horrifying, the truth is far, far less appalling. 

I was actually pleasantly surprised by how dark part one was (the thing with Harvey’s brother, wow). The acting wasn’t always top notch, but the set design was gorgeous and the aunts were my absolute favorite.

I don’t follow K-Pop so reading this comment was a fucking ride.

Considering I had never heard of this girl until yesterday, it’s unbelievable to hear Olivia Jade has this many deals with brands.

I mean, to be fair, she talk excellent too.

“he’s an excellent talker”

Why aren’t these generous people paying off student loans or mortgages?