
We knew we wanted kids.. at least 2, more were always a possibility. Without going into too much detail, we had 2 kids, ages are 13 months apart, both were traumatic in their own ways. Wife is in therapy, I got the snip. That was enough for us. Everyone is sleeping, the kids are almost out of diapers, and we just

For those looking for a great “lets see if its worth it” robot vacuum, eufy is an Anker brand.  We have 2.  For a non-mapping vacuum, you can’t beat $180. 

For those looking for a great “lets see if its worth it” robot vacuum, eufy is an Anker brand.  We have 2.  For a

I started with cycle of the werewolf.  It’s relatively short, easy to get through, and it’s a great starter for the younger crowd, with less adult themes than maybe some of the other stories.

I have a eufy, not this model, and its a pretty great vacuum.  Also, Eufy seems to be an Anker brand, so that may help persuade some people to try it out.  

I have a eufy, not this model, and its a pretty great vacuum.  Also, Eufy seems to be an Anker brand, so that may

Having switched from Samsung (Note 8) to the Pixel 3, was almost seamless.  The only thing the Pixel lacked was some personalization (grouping apps together in the full list, for instance), and I didn’t love the bootloaders that allowed this.  A minor inconvenience, and I don’t feel the need to jump back to Samsung.

I’m not sure what adding icing will do.

Boys are much more dangerous than girls. Girls just kind of dribble out. Boys can be like the Bellagio Fountain. There’s no “preventing”. All you can do is be fast and try not to make it as bad.

I wouldn’t be surprised if something going on in Vegas had some sort of influence in the loss.

Also in Brood VIII territory. We also got a small horde of whatever brood was 2-3 years ago, but I haven’t seen any yet in my neck of the woods this year. Can’t wait to put my dog on the post-cicada diet in a couple months.

I use AWS S3 for everything that’s not music (that gets backed up to google music). There’s a CLI that’s pretty easy to install, and can run using cron jobs or task scheduler. I backed up all my movies and shows (~150gb worth), have multiple websites that back up user uploaded files (images, pdfs, mp3s, etc) and my

Pirates Statement: “We are shocked and deeply concerned for Elias’ Mother. Please consider Josh Harrison, Francisco Cervelli and Future Prospects for her return”

Maybe this is the coin they flipped:

Goodell wants to reassure you that Dan Snyder cares deeply about Naive Americans

redacted. It’s noted in the post.

redacted. It’s noted in the post.

Everyone is the same color to furniture salespeople: green

I even remembered my ICQ number up until a couple years ago, because I did sign in again at one point. AIM is what probably happened to cause you to stop using it.