Greased Scotsman

Yeah, they could do it like The Wire. Each season has a different focus, with some overlap of characters in the ensemble. You could easily have a whole season in Canada about refugees adjusting to life outside Gilead, and political debates within Canada about refugee rights, diplomacy with Gilead, etc. Keep it

That Community episode with Subway the corpo-humanoid is looking more prescient all the time.

“My son has gone missing. I think he’s relapsed again.

Licking poisoned envelopes.

Thanks for the tip! I hate how Instagram hides the full resolution versions.

You could do some really interesting things with Tim. His rewinding ability would break the game, so you couldn’t really do that, but something with the shadow Tim could be awesome (record a move, then attack with both Tim and shadow Tim at the same time). Or he could use his ring to dilate time in an area, to set up

I look at it not so much as whether he has a right to voice his opinion, but whether he should be rewarded for being the mouthpiece for a hateful, undemocratic administration, and lying for them. He almost certainly wouldn’t have even the possibility of getting this show in the first place if he hadn’t done the shitty

Most of these people are fleeing their homes in Central America because they’re afraid for their lives, and the lives of their children, because of gang violence back home. They’re not making the desperate trek to America for funzies.

A Song of Tits and Dragons

It’s like regular Hell, but everyone keeps telling you that Hell is actually pretty good and is far superior to Heaven, and you should really stop complaining so much.

“Got you good, fucker!”

Same thing with The Venture Brothers, which I remember throwing “gay” around as an insult a lot in the early seasons.

Right, you don’t know all the circumstances surrounding the class, so you don’t want to be too quick to judge Franco. But you seem weirdly comfortable judging his students without those same details.

He does talk like someone with Wernicke’s aphasia sometimes. Lots of filler words, but no content.

You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

You was released in the future?  Whoa...

It was originally supposed to be “Patrick Stewart remains sexist. Man alive!

Is that you, Google? Have you finally gained sentience and joined Kinja?

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