
900hp? Wow, start the "Save the Enzo 2's" campaign now.

You can't skip seasons! Please don't do it :( One of the greatest TV series to date.

Fixing/tuning up my first two stroke motorcross bike. Since it was a two stroke and it needed gasoline & oil to self lubricate so I thought well I have some extra two stroke mix, might as well top up the engine........whoops. I wondered why it was running rough...

What was your role? Seeing the change first hand must be amazing!

D'oh, just saw that...sorry man! I feel like a doofus.

What the bleep, I submitted this via and the slow mo 24h Le Mans but no hat tip, agh!

I have no idea WTF is going on either and now I find I don't care sadly.

I'll upload it to my server now, I forgot! In the meantime check and on the ads ;)

Haha yep, she's a beast. But if you can't improve on the airframe without a significantly brand new airplane forget it. It's only meant to bomb after air defences are taken out so its relatively slow speed & maneuverability is not an issue.

Hahaha I never thought about that until now. He sure likes his cereal.

It was only broadcast in 720p and converted to .mp4 so your version might be *slightly* not as good? I'll email you in a bit anywho.

If it's the e-tron it has AWD above 120km/h so it makes sense ;)

That can be arranged! Leave me your email or something :) It's my vid/website...

Thanks for picking it up! I'll follow you on Twitter @greaseandgears

Hey that's my website/blog and vid! Still under construction:)

Here, here! My Dad liked the Chevy Avalanche because we actually had a need for SUV + bed but before he bought I said to him that he might as well upgrade to any Cadillac Escalade EXT. it was a few years ago right when the US housing crisis hit and everything was in the crapper. So we got a barely used fully loaded

It looks like the top doesn't even fit either! It looks like they were on their way to making a new top half and then ran out of glass and metal. Ugh.

Nice site btw-thanks! Yeah some of the options are more, some not. But maybe I can make him or rash sweeping generalization by putting the option costs per thousand cars sold as being ridiculous. I think, Father's Carrera S floor mats were $200 for instance which are so thin, small and mass manufactured it's almost

Haha yep! I find it funny that even Ferrari charges less for options then Porsche does! I guess that's one of many reasons why the most profitable car company in the world on a per car basis.

My Dad during his building development days in Edmonton bought a 930 Turbo and after the first day went back to go buy another one for his partner/friend before someone else bought it haha. He also had a couple neighbours with Ferrari's but everyone knows ( except them ) that Italian wiring plus -30°C+ winters in