
Man, Japan is still racist against whites in some places. My family and I have gotten the big "X" with arms when trying to go into a few restaurants, shops & one taxi cab. But other than that one of the, if not most polite countries I've lived in.

Damn it, now my coffee is cold!

Growing up in an aviation exposed family I met many pilots & various aircraft workers, this would have no problem whatsoever going over Mach 1. My Dad's friend flew a F-4 and he said after awhile even watching the needle climb past Mach 2 became in his words "somewhat regular." I guess in a so called straight line

*Gulp* I loved that car until I broke my neck in it and have a spinal cord injury. It may seem "tame" but it's still a sportscar. Daughter beware!

Can you provide a basic, quick translation or what he's talking about?

Trotskyite has a good guess/answer. But at first with my horrible vision, I thought it might have been an ugly attempt at some sort of pneumatic jack system to raise the car given its racing history. But now that I see the red and the different lines leading out of it I would also have to agree on fire suppression

And I will say the proverbial "I see what you did there…"

I feel so ignorant right now for not noticing that before… :(

Seedy guy with seedy business does something seedy? Yep, all adds up!

This one made me laugh so hard, ahh the memories!

Wooop! That's my video! Note the usernames :)

Well, about 6yrs ago I had a Powermac G5, 30" Apple Cinema Display, 23" Cinema Display so brushed aluminum was like eye candy. But after a year and a half - two years all 3 failed. Pretty pathetic. $1000's gone :(

Yep, all 3 of my LaCie externals have failed.

Honda who again? Yep never heard of them!

Correct, it's not the Engineers, technicians, programmers etc. It's the corporate people trying to push the limit of spending of the government for their company's wallets as well as theirs.

Wow, awesome work! I thought digitizing 300slides was a lot! Impressive!

Do these work for the iPad 2? I'm assuming so...? Also, what about games? I bought a few $1 games off iTunes, I'm also assuming those would be lost? Could one buy them legally again or would I have to use "other means?"

Where should I look for good reviews, your review etc? I just bought an iPad because of the App Store mainly.

I was remembering the exact same scene. I say they do South America to Mexico South to North, or vice versa. Mexico might kill you. Forget random hosts with AK-47's, watch out for a whole country.