
I'd put a little money on Ronda Rousey being La Luchadora.

the show itself, however, isn't all that bad.

these reviews are hard enough to swallow without all the condescension-ed flavored sour grapes. Get the fuck over it already.

Between the South Park and Drunk History reviews I think this website takes itself a bit too seriously.

Lana continues to be amazing: “Thank you, but I don’t need the support of this pathetic village.”

Very good episode. Mary Steenburgen's reaction shots during the fight scene and after were so funny.

I'm just now catching up on this series. I am totally behind Bobby at this point. Maybe it is because the show hasn't done enough to show the illegality of what Bobby's done to earn his returns for his investors. Up to the conclusion of this episode Chuck just comes off as a jealous dick. And his wife should