gray talk

I was in New Orleans as well this weekend! At one point I was awake for 27 straight hours, which was awesome/awful. I'm in my 30s, so that kind of stupidity doesn't happen that much anymore.

All fine bands, yes. They were never going to be Radiohead, but I think people still appreciate the Beta Band and Super Furry Animals to this day.

I have to sadly agree. Internal Wrangler and Walking With Thee are both awesome albums, and there were some good ones after that, but it all became a little samey. Perhaps I should revisit the Clinic catalog.

Maybe? I've only seen the part where they do the Michael Cain impressions. Do they interact with real people, or is it scripted? Because I wouldn't want this to be scripted.

Agree. I've kind of always wanted him to drop the talk show format entirely and just do a program where he travels around the world interacting with strangers. Maybe bring Norm Macdonald along for the ride.

Letterman working the drive through at a Taco Bell in New Jersey is one of the greatest things ever.

It seems like the lobotomy was pretty effective.

Yup. And she's given nothing to do.

Not sure if it was shelved that long, but I'd assume the studio knew it had a flaming pile of shit in its hands, hence the February burial.

I saw this movie at a preview screening last night. It pretty much is one long gay panic joke, with the occasional sprinkling of misogyny. There were a few laughs (god bless Adam Scott for trying his best), but the whole thing is really quite repellent. And I actually thought the first one was okay.

Never be ashamed of loving Jackass.

Hey Vago, Malkmus also played on Tanglewood Numbers.

Yes to this. With Norm Macdonald as his sidekick.

I'm willing to call bullshit on that, @Dikachu:disqus . As mentioned earlier by John Robie, there was an ostensibly competitive mayoral race in which a non-Democrat had a chance to win (he ended up getting trounced, but still) and two At-Large Council seats open, one of which went to a non-Democrat (yay Silverman!).

I'm pretty sure that was Big Planet, which is now on U Street. I haven't been to the new location, but I was a fan back in the Georgetown days.

I remember watching "Love is a Dream" when it originally aired, which would mean I was about 10 years old. I was initially baffled by the bit because it wasn't funny, but by the end I was crying. Damn if that isn't a perfect little short, and now a perfect way to remember both Phil Hartman and Jan Hooks.

I've always been confused about Marvel's financial stake in the Fox and Sony movies. Do they really not get ANYTHING? If so, why in the hell did they ever agree to those terms? Do they at least have a stake in merchandise from Spider-Man/X-Men/Fantastic Four movies?

I've got few of these spaces, but the most prominent are the massive park near my apartment (where I like to go on long runs and get lost in the woods) and the bar down the street, where I'm chummy with most of the staff and the regulars. It's been an excellent way to meet my neighbors.

I love Recessions. The world needs more fully carpeted basement bars.

In-his-prime Newman makes me question my sexuality. Motherfucker was just stunningly handsome. Redford wasn't bad either.