So where’s the link to those squishy chair recliner things?
So where’s the link to those squishy chair recliner things?
I have a Sony Smartwatch 3 and a LG Gwatch R and they both work fine. I did notice they are not fully supported, but they do work none the less. YMMV
Has anyone seen a windows shortcut version in this infographic style? I like to combine things like this and put them on my desktop as a background.
I disagree with #1. I am magic. All of our electronics know me and cooperate as soon as I walk in the room. I leave this link on an open sticky note and walk out.
I am interested in this as well. It drives me crazy that my exchange cannot be threaded.
I used to get my wife to sew an elastic band like these, and when somebody said they wanted one I started googling for competition. Found these, bought these, won't be making these. Lol. I love these and all the flavors/colors they have. Really good but come from Europe so shipping to US was slow.
You still have to switch the accounts at the top of the menu, not combined. Also, threaded works in regular gmail accounts but exchange accounts in gmail are not coversations. I really hoped having exchange in the same app would allow the same things, but its like they just crammed the regular email app in with…
Anybody have a link to the apk for this?
You mentioned leaving comments on other blogs. I do this sometimes on the blogs I follow, and to be honest the majority of my bigger traffic days come from leaving a link here in comments to my blog. Most of my posts are related to Macgyver Challenges.
I made hitch rack for my truck that we used to put our coolers on for tailgating at NASCAR and other events. I made a frame that detaches from the lower legs and has a hitch tube going vertical from the center of it. Then I put a stub of hitch pipe turned up off the rack. Now we just roll the grill over to it, pick…
Its a sex bolt found on one of these cheapo bicycle tools found here. Same star bit on both sides, with locktite to hold it together.
If you have those kind of boots you may want to try what I used first - Take a peice of 5" channel from the metal building shop and cut it down the middle. Then attach it through the flat on the back so it makes a [__ kind of thing on the wall.
We think alike. Use a sex bolt and grind them down for an even smaller profile.
I also made gym rings from electrical pvc. You just fill it with dirt, heat it up and you could apply this to lots of different applications. See how I made them here.
I took 2" pvc and cut a slot down the middle of a 24" peice and screwed them to the wall just outside our backdoor leading into the garage. We have a pretty active family so there are always a ton of shoes by the back door. This lets us organize them, and helps keep them up away from creepy crawlers.