Are both of those albums good enough to rank Heart above (insert way better band here...)
Once I saw the placement of the Mac and Heart I stopped reading it.
I think we’re both missing a bigger point. Wings is on the list! Wings? Are you fucking kidding me?
Fleetwood Fucking Mac at #2?
For the love of god just release it in May if it’s ready, do not try and force it into March/April, Sony....
Dammit Jason you can’t keep delaying games when there’s a slow news week! It’s just not fair.
They brought Jason in from paternity leave just so he could delay a game again? Wow.
Delays that happen this close to release day announcements both amuse me, and make me feel really bad for the producers. You know that for the last five months they’ve been talking with Sony, and with the rest of the dev team, trying to negotiate between the publisher wanting to release, and the the overall state of…
Free Solo was a movie that made my palms sweat.
At least for some of us, the joy and beauty of watching sports is the constant chance, however small, that we’ll get to witness something ethereal and magical. That’s why Steph, and the pre-KD warriors, were such a joy. The ball is moving constantly...Steph is moving constantly....and at any moment he can pull up from…
TIL Mark Jackson has a burner
I don’t care how many shots he hits or total points he scores- watching James Harden play basketball just sucks.
I’m a lifelong Knicks fan so take my basketball knowledge and taste with whatever grain you choose but I personally feel that Steph Curry is the most entertaining player in the league to watch while James Harden is without a doubt the least. The Warriors will be better then people think this season for the very…
Wouldn’t it be amazing if Elizabeth Warren is voted in as President in the 100th anniversary year of the ratification of the 19th Amendment?
Now, you see, if they’d had a gun no one would be dead right now.
[Deleted redundant Tomsula joke]