
I mean, I’d never really considered it. What if I really am just a belly-itcher?”

Inject this straight into my veins. I need this saga to be drawn out as long as possible, bringing the Raiders, AB, and everyone else past their breaking points. I need panicked public statements, I need social media meltdowns, and I need Jon Gruden turning shades of red that even Deadpsin couldn’t photoshop. I love

Looks damn good, not fully done with the nose beak but that side profile is killer. And Acura really knows how to pull off blue

I’m surprised it doesn’t look more like this:

It does; it’s as iconic as the JaguarsWTF.jpg pic or ass-eating at a Lions tailgate.

Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of 6 and 10. That is your ceiling, you forgotten, burning river town in Hell. When the beating from the Jets sets up a beating by the Rams, there’s no light at the end of the tunnel when the Ravens come.

How the hell have I never seen that before.

This is art. 

We thought we were soooo jaded back then, didn’t we? We’d seen the absolute bottom level of what a presidency could be. We’d seen it all.

There was a time in my life when Bush was in office and, deeply naive, I thought I would never be more embarrassed by a president. So it strains my imagination to think about who the Republicans will put in office in 2032.

Thankfully, this particular situation was quickly defused because one of the officers attending the incident lives in Bugha’s neighbourhood and recognised the teen.

Couldn’t agree more. As many flaws as Menace has, it’s Lawrence of goddamn Arabia compared to Clones. That might be the worst movie I’ve ever seen in a theater, and I’ve seen The Emoji Movie in the theater.

I recently rewatched the whole series, and I didn’t think Phantom Menace was that bad. Attack of the Clones is so much worse. The outdated CGI is way overused compared to Phantom Menace, which relied on a surprising amount of practical effects. Anakin comes off as such an unlikable creep. Padme is rightfully turned

Thing is, in 1999 audiences left theaters satisfied, almost giddy, with Episode 1. Darth Maul was the character with the biggest impact and the climatic battle ended a 16 year light saber battle drought. It was in the years that followed that the nerd echo chamber exploded and public derision for the film came to the

Rewatched this with my son (who loved it) and realized how much of the film’s problems actually fall on Jake Lloyd just not being that good of an actor (which is totally not his fault and he never deserved the stupid attacks that 30 year old men threw at him). If Anakin had been portrayed as a teenager it may have

Im not even a Falcons fan! But as a good decent ethical human being, i despise the Patriots much like the Avengers despise Thanos. And seeing them get curbstomped like that was pure literal ecstasy.

Okay, chuckle boy, I’ve enjoyed these but I think we need to keep some level of accuracy and accountability in journalism. Floyd did NOT “superplex” (as you say) Danny Amendola. A superplex, is a suplex off the top rope (and would thus be impossible in the NFL). If anything, Floyd did some variation of a gutwrench

Mark my words, it’s going to get real bad.

My younger sister moved up to Milwaukee a few years ago for work and began dating a die-hard Packers fan shortly after. They are set to be married next month. I’ve ignored the fact that he bought her a Rodgers jersey and that she’s worn it, love will make you do stupid things, and I’ve retaliated by giving her Bears