
Well, that's fair, though I like that what we've been provided is ambiguous, while still taking us a little bit forward toward knowing the backstory - unlike Coulson's history, which has been touched on almost every week without the slightest movement forward. I would hope that an episode that really addresses May's

You were asking what in this situation could be traumatic. I offered one possibility - I did say "might" - supported by the evidence of this episode, that Coulson believed part of May's trauma involved a girl. I'm also, of course, thinking of the real-life Branch Davidian comparison, knowing how agents involved in

The "baddies" she killed were duped
followers of one real villain. They might have included women and
children - if May had to kill a girl with a gun to save hostages, of
course that would be traumatic, and not easy to let go.Although the show is cartoony, that doesn't mean every opponent is pure evil, adult, and

This is a good point. But the book, at least, shows us that Ender sees all of these opponents as credible threats, as opponents who could do him serious harm if he doesn't do his utmost - and we're given no evidence to the contrary. He wins every battle, absolutely. He feels he can't lose even one, and he's good

You're quite right on deterrence, but wrong to say that it can't be self-defence to kill someone. That's a bizarre claim, isn't it? "He was shootin' at me, I shot back." "Ah, but he only winged you, and you killed him, so in fact you were the aggressor".
Perhaps you mean that disproportionate violence can't be

I believe you are mistaken, Miller.