Seems like a watered down LiarTown USA.
Seems like a watered down LiarTown USA.
Flash is probably the best of the currently DCU shows airing. That said, season 2 of Arrow is an absolute high water mark for action dramas in the last decade. The Arrow/Slade story arc was brilliant.
It got off to a shaky start but has found its footing over the last 5-6 episodes.
For fans of the great Yacht Rock web series, and I know there are some here, I hope you've been listening to Beyond Yacht Rock. It's not narrative-driven as the original, but I get several good laughs from the podcast. Their ones on Try-N-Raps and Divorcecore are great.
Archer Vice was horrible, but they definitely bounced back last season.
"This is especially true in Mel Tormé’s “The Christmas Song,” a song already suffering from the fact that it’s a list of clichés sung together in a mostly monotone tune."
Raw Deal, as a straightforward Arnold action movie, was more of a disappointment. It's one of the few of his from the '80s that I can't watch again.
I lost interest after the fourth or so book. Whichever one had the demon escaping the handicapped woman and eating lots of food or whatever. Hoo boy did that story go off the rails but quick.
As long as we're not subjected to any of his treatises on the State of Comedy, I'm good with him.
There is but it varies by state.
Country Wookiee Jamboree
I would fucking move to Florida to visit a Cloud City area every day.
It's a Small Galaxy
Don't give me none of this Katy Perry Expanded Universe bunk.
Just be glad they changed the first draft of the ESB script where Han tells the deck officer that he'll "see you on the flipside."
I know he's been tainted by Abrams, but I'd pick Benedict Cumberbatch.
I really hope he found a way to heal his damaged relationship with Sportacus.
He was probably thinking, "Hey, this Russian guy was dumb enough to hand over a roster of older vets to a rookie head coach, what else will he give me?"
It's the same stuff you used to hear about Van Halen back in the '80s, that it was just dumb rock music for jocks and kids who were way too much into their cars. The thing is, maybe the jocks just knew how to have more fun.
I think I got two songs off of King Animal that I will go back to on occasion. The rest of that album is a giant bore.