
I mean what exactly are they supposed to do? Most anchors under a major organization umbrella (like sinclair) are under contract, and if they break rank they will be financially ruined and possibly even opening themselves up to legal liability.

I mean we are talking long-term lawsuits that individuals would never be

Browbeating unpaid players isn’t so much a ‘management style,’ as a raging personality disorder, but I guess other than that and the potential child rape coverup Greg sounds great. Why would anyone, at any age, want to work for a micromanaging authoritarian?

“As someone who comes from a family who has held Rutgers Football season tickets for going on nearly 40 years,”

This is a really weird take. Those “ignorant masses” seem to have handled themselves pretty well today, all things considered.

The fan base is the lifeblood of Tennessee Football. You lose them, you lost football.

“Let me tell you with abrupt and forthright honesty: Michelob Amber Bock is setting the bar for ruddy-hued brews.”

Grew up working at a public course, less than $25 bucks for 18 holes. Most players were blue collar men and women who worked at the local brewery. Awesome people. Can confirm many golfers are the best humanity has to offer.

It was certainly written in a more sympathetic tone than it would have been had this actually been a 30-something man. I doubt his pain would have been acknowledged. And she wasn’t 13 forever.

Does anyone else find it odd that, in the middle of Hollywood imploding over sexual harassment/assault allegations, this story practically gives this woman a pass on being a manipulative pyscho? I mean... in many (most?) states, what she did would be considered crimes, no?

“Her abuse of those women aside”

We (well, I) used to live in a time when NFL players played baseball and also did amazing baseball things, even against each other. No biggie.

Since he is going on Sean Hannity’s show it sounds like he would rather cry with the sinners than laugh with the Saints 

So wait? The sports news network asked its hosts and reporters to report the news and not MAKE the news? Oh no, this is so unfair!

There is far too much nuance here for Deadspin. I already lament the responses you’re going to get.

“The controversies are “unwanted” for ESPN executives, who want to keep advertisers happy, avoid offending anyone at all costs, and protect the bottom line.”

Hes 7-7 (.500) with a 4.35 ERA in the postseason. Hes 144-64 (.692) with a 2.31 ERA in the regular season.

Just remember to shout, “Ker-Shaw!” when you send out the swimmers.

you want to get to the bottom of this?

Fox News has already deemed this “The War on Crustmas”

How do you envision that movie? Some wealthy, privileged French lady named Angelique looking for deeper meaning in the middle of a Walmart in Kansas? She befriends a down-on-his-luck single dad with a heart of gold? He “teaches” her that even though he lives in a shelter and relies on EBT and Medicaid, he loves life