
Obviously just one man's experience but I recall Aras saying he succeeded by starving himself before going out onto the island, to get his body adjusted to it.

Spencer may have been a bit bitter but I don't think he could have spoken truer words. Kass 100% shot her game down tonight.

I really liked Traffic Light. One of those sitcoms that was carried by its strong cast without having necessarily great writing.

Since she's listed as a member of the main cast, I have to imagine she is ineligible.

This episode makes the whole season worth it, as far as I'm concerned. Beautiful bit of television.

This was my line of the night.

Even in this very comments section there is some Survivor-shaming going on, but I won't have it. It just ripped off one absolutely brilliant season, and the one before that, while polarizing, was totally awesome in the post-merge. I was very glad to see it recognized here.

Also, Angel