I'm so glad I'm not the only one that saw the resemblance.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that saw the resemblance.
Looks like they ripped Joss Whedon's Firefly off,
That ship looks almost exactly like a Firefly class ship ... only with four engines ...
The other SRB spinning down on its own trajectory.
The bottom nozzle shears off and free falls just in advance of splashdown so as not to turn into shrapnel and tear up the booster on impact.
Actually the Pyramids were not built primarily by slave labor, but instead they were massive public works projects to keep the farm laborers employed during the time of year the Nile flooded the fields.
I may start playing games again in 2013 :-)
Yah and the new one in the main article is from March :-)
That Elephant Walk was from December 2nd.
I am more than happy with the coffee that my Keurig machine makes and I recycle my k-cups ...
The noise is thought to be a factor in the loss of taste on the ISS yes.
Star TREK is about the journey ... the exploration ... the process of exploring the galaxy ... you can't do that if you start off with a Space Opera Battle Movie ... it needs to be on TV FIRST ... the movies then need to be climaxes to a long series ... the payoffs for watching the show on TV ... Star WARS on the…
It was a mistake rebooting Star Trek on the Big Screen ...
The way Diane Sawyer said "Gasoline Station" said to me that she's never actually gone to any in her entire life ...
Space Elevators are so overrated.
Starship Troopers ... isn't that NPH doing the injection too?
No I was more making a blanket statement against smartass comments from writers :-)