Very Little Gravitas Indeed

Echo has a record of the commands it received for you to review so it can learn your voice. Like if you say “alexa turn on the lights” you can go to the app and see she heard “alexa you turn me on” and you tell it if this was correct or not. But thats only after being triggered.

I can literally look up every single Google voice search I have ever done and have my own voice played back to me so.... no.

Flying is so unbelievably cheap at this point, it’s hard for me to take these kinds of complaints seriously. What sucks about flying is the airport experience, which the airlines aren’t in control of anyways.

With a new host ?

Nah! Maybe we need to have patience and see if season 2 will get better.

Guys, i’m starting to think that electing a reality TV star with 5 military deferments to command one of the world’s largest armed forces may not have been the best idea.

Simple answer: gender has an actual basis in physiology, while race does not (at least, not one that anyone has ever found, including genetically).

Nah man, kerp trying to understand it. Sometimes you’ll run up against something you don’t agree with or “get,” but the upshot is that you don’t have to “get” something to recognize its existence.

The more I learn, the more I understand that there are simply some things in life that I may never be capable of understanding.

No need for the disclaimer. You had sufficiently made a fool of yourself by that point.

Proud of your willful ignorance of the article? Why comment then?

Maybe you should actually read it and hear the reasons why from the mouths of Colonels. They might make an MOS for maintaining the panels, like they have adjusted over time with the advent and use of newer tech, but they could also hand it to the engineering squads.

Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.

A camera dropped on concrete could absolutely see 100G on impact. Deceleration is a bitch, especially when something hard hits something else hard. If something is going just 30 ft/sec (free fall for about a sec) and it hits the floor without deforming much to absorb the impact (so say .01 sec to stop before bouncing

The force of gravity causes an acceleration of 9.8m/s^2. If you take an object falling from a meters height will have accelerated to approx 10mph by the time it hits the ground. After it hits the ground, its speed is 0 (lets ignore bouncing). How fast it decelerates depends on how much the object and the ground

72,000 mph? Uhhh...Wut?

Wow. I mean, the research did find that secular adults were more likely than religious adults to accept the science behind global warming, and to support equality for women and gay people. That isn't a notion or stereotype, it was based on research. If you aren't aware or won't accept that many branches of religion

perfect. this is where i get to go all fox news and say,

sorry, miss #notallchristians