
"I was listening to a BBC News podcast where English women were talking about how they got breast augmentation and that men started holding doors open for them…" To which I call bullshit. I mean seriously, holding a door for someone depends on how close the person is to you. You don't really have time to give

Huh? You think the path to porn is failing to secure roles as a legitimate actor? Yes, and race car drivers who fail to make the F1 circuit become taxi drivers.

I had no idea that Margot's family was being held hostage and the only way to free them was for her to agree to appear in Suicide Squad.

Had potential, but of course there's no time for a subtle evolution. Must keep the ADD-crowd happy, so they show us Catwoman, Riddler, Penguin, Poison Ivy, and every other character they can cram in. Woo hoo. Next week maybe we'll catch a glimpse of Crazy Quilt and the Killer Croc.

I haven't seen this episode in years, so maybe they dealt with this during the show and I've forgotten, but if they were able to create an injectable kironine concentrate that gives them heightened telekinetic powers, why didn't they manufacture it in bulk once back on the Enterprise? Seems like it could come in

Why did 50% of the posters who mentioned "Ramsay" misspell it "Ramsey"?  Fucking muppets.

Why did 50% of the posters who mentioned "Ramsay" misspell it "Ramsey"?  Fucking muppets.