
Looks like ass, in this image. His skin is on his face and the ragdoll effect hasn’t backfired causing his teammate to fly into the stratosphere. Way to not stick to the source material, Hollywood.

“The cause of the accident was the fact “the driver accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brakes when she was attempting to pull out of a parking space at the apartment complex.” “

Let that be a lesson to all you kids out there: if you want to protect yourself from runaway Hyundai Sonatas crashing into your apartment, make sure you have a big, comfy gaming chair. It’s not just the most comfortable way to shield yourself from wayward sedans: it’s the best way.

Our Queen hasn’t been forgotten, Nintendo is going to take care of her.

I voted for Bayonetta. So I know she had my vote.

The State of the Wii U In 2015

The Wii U had a tough 2015. Nintendo can boast that they’ve released some of the most excellent exclusives of the

Fruit extends you life bar. Lizard tails increase your max stamina.