
Right on. Guns, again. Great job.

+1 this sport has got to go. We just watched a young dude lose 10 years of functional brain power on a relatively harmless hit from his teammate.

Great that we won or great that we made it to fucking DEADSPIN!?!?!?

Did you get to keep the Pizza Hut delivery pickup from Gleaming the Cube? It should be your daily driver for sure.

Why? Considering I can find an iPhone 6 on craigslist local, activated and confirmed in my area for half the price of the latest phone, why?

Baseball is not worth covering. It’s barely worth watching.

This sport is the dumbest

You are the epitome of an internet troll. Feel better about yourself.

“Dude is just an employee.”

Golf clap

How is this not Team Fortress?

Your mom is the best player in the NHL...

Do you watch hockey? If not, you should. This was probably on every broadcast’s highlight reel tonight.

These people sound like some of the dumbest, worst mother fuckers on earth. I would love to hear what some of their non-retarded teammates thought of that whole thing.

No idea why this sport is by far the most popular sport in America. There is such little action, soooooo much standing around and rules that even the REFEREES don’t know.

Worst sport on earth.