
The school aspect of facebook died when it opened to the public.

I like Google's products because they're productive and not social - utilitarian and not distracting. Social media's style is too distracting to be useful - I think wave suffered because of this. If Google does manage to pull of social, I hope they keep it separate from everything else, or at least make it optional

Perhaps we can find an email address to Gawker Media - what's that guys name? I do realize that you don't have direct control over this blog format thing, I guess we just thought you'd have some weight in it, but seeing how many Gawker sites there are, and if indeed most of them are best served in this style, then


Yeah, can you guys stop with the facebook page thing? It's really annoying that facebook is pervading everything else on your website - don't make content facebook exclusive. I am a daily facebook user but I don't like these apps and pages.

Maybe if people start talking more politely on the internet, people wouldn't get fired.

Resisting arrest also creates a hazard to the public, should he manage to get up and run again, or even hazard to the officers should they lose control of his arms.

they didn't tase him until after he resisted at 1:06, and even then they gave him a fair amount of time after that to stop resisting. keep in mind, they're blocking traffic, which generates its own danger. they can't be waiting around all day for him to comply, and forcing his arm back will get some kind of

agreed. seems to be a common theme on at least Jalopnik and Gizmodo. Perhaps it's a gawker media thing with this new layout - quantity over quality.

probably nobody that is using it has money. protesters? grassroots? nah

At least 100 users texted their carrier asking for an update.

Google also has a long history of offering their products for free, so some degree of beta is acceptable if you're willing to put up with the very few vestiges of unpredictability. They are constantly testing to make things better - things like Wave and Buzz didn't work out so well. Who cares?

then don't buy it. some people want their stuff now

btw. is this tech because it's photoshop? really? news?

ha. yeah right. do a caricature of a Buddha and people think its a cool "decoration". if you did that to Christ you'd still get people telling you you'll go to hell for abusing their savior - or something like that

apple shmapple. is there an app for audiophiles?