
uhh.. the F-22 is made by Lockheed Martin, not Boeing...

What's the protocol for closing off street for filming? Are there barriers or otherwise signs posted with someone watching? Filming group should be notified if PD is using the closed route - the reason the street is closed is so that the safety coordinator of the film group can expect the street to be clear for

Yeah, I think you meant sportiest Honda.

Not sure I quite like this article. Yes, Americans are stupid about the loan thing [and then complain when economy crashes and they can't pay their bills]. No I don't like trucks [unless you have to haul stuff, which 98% of the time I don't, the 2% I can rent one]. The numbers game is just the same as any other car



Good, lighthearted read. But seriously, 120hp from a 4 banger with one blown cylinder? Amazing that the imbalance from the non-working cylinder isn't destroying everything from vibration, but I thought Geos got 100hp stock?

@Novaload: Agreed. This is the internet, not the radio or the Gutenberg press.

@Cloud81918: Good thing I kept watching until the end - wouldn't have wanted to miss that last part of him falling off his bike

Welcome and good luck! Give us a run for our words. Either way, we win, but it'll probably more sustainably interesting if this will be a mutual success. Besides, it'll probably make Ray not want to leave as well.

I also guess that what's worse about how it looks is that the company still exists, which suggests people actually buy them...

Maybe this one will make it to the Fast and the Furious ...4?5? I forget which number they're on

@jzEllis: agreed with hawkeye18. It's hard to believe, from how far in the bike is planted, that the rider was going at anywhere close to legal speeds.

I think he's right. Americans don't really care because it's not accessible. We might complain about it not being "fair" and might think they know what is good for business, etc., but really if it's too hard and isn't "cheating" us out a lot of money then we aren't going to "notice". I'm sure a lot of us will try

I go to yelp for reviews because I am interested in what people have to say about particular establishments, or just to find something good to eat without trying every restaurant out there. Some people make it a social thing and "check-in" or write about how it was their friend's birthday and they had so many drinks,

@pauljones: It's a good statement to the kids growing up in an era where they never ride in a manual car, yet drool at the sight of performance cars.

@merlot_brougham: That's true, you don't need a manual to be an enthusiast. I think you're referring to racing enthusiast vs. driving enthusiast. I'm not sure how enthusiastic you can be driving an automatic on public roads [not particularly condoning behavior unsafe to others, the twistys are fun]. Indeed keeping

@merlot_brougham: It's easy for an enthusiast to buy a manual [aside from waning availability]. Enthusiasts will, at minimum, spend time and effort to get what they want. Not all enthusiasts can afford BMW M's though. Where your point is valid is that supply moves towards demand - most people aren't enthusiasts.