
@RedRaob: I was just thinking your latter reason. But maybe the swirls make the burnouts look cooler?

@Nürburgring: Varsity Jalop: not to mention all it takes is a few seconds to hit "reset" and voila, your car is good as new. No warranty needed, as all models perform as expected, and free gas!

My bet is on Chevrolet recalling first. Toyota has a bigger foot in electric technologies. Chevy isn't really known for reliability in anything but its trucks.

@worthless_cos: Wow, what beautiful condition [at least on the exterior]. While LeMons is a great series of unbreakable will and still-running-by-a-thread engineering fun, most cars competing have had their time and are minimally worked for a second life. Your friend's car seems in very good condition - I'd hate for

@feldoh: Lexus has lots of examples of quality. Lexus also has lots of examples of taste; the SC430 is not one of them.

@Kuro: The only thing worse about LA is the amount of traffic [Though 880 can get decently bad]. I've lived in LA for a couple decades and SF bay area for another 4 or 5 years. My impression is that LA drivers are aggressive and make deliberate [albeit dangerous if you're not prepared] moves, but SF bay area drivers

@bradyb: If the rain is really that bad, then wouldn't it just make sense to drive slower? Maybe 25 MPH instead of 65? Now, I know that's not very Jalop to say, but most of these are beige cars or at most wannabe-exciting cars. At 11.6 inches per hour intensity [which is pretty intense], I wouldn't think even good

noooo. There's no complete SNES repair guides. Really the only game I'd love to preserve was Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. I played that through a few times and it never got old.

The 14-17 segment is not an understatement for a lot of girls, however there are a share of guys who do the same. I suppose this correlates with the research that says females speak however many more words a day than guys do. In 2003, we were probably at the bottom of the list because our phones sucked. Meanwhile

To my limited knowledge of the state-of-the-art computing, in the past 10 years, all we've accomplished is making numbers bigger and making chips smaller and more efficient - both necessary to move on, but hardly a penny towards anything like the brain. We've networked computers into supercomputers, we cloud compute,

hahaha. i agree the original was pretty cool, but this is just hilarious. the eyes and "ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu.." is just perfect.

hope it was cleaned up. something that big of a scale is likely to incur fines if caught - though they shouldve gotten a recording at distance to show how far its actually going. i suppose its safer over the ocean than in a field. wonder how it looks from the air.

Yeah this is a bit sad for a Disney tag on a Lego set.