We don’t have HBO and so have not been watching this (also I never truly recovered from the film adaptation) but I HAVE been reading your expert reviews to get a good insight into the show without actually having to subject myself to it,.
We don’t have HBO and so have not been watching this (also I never truly recovered from the film adaptation) but I HAVE been reading your expert reviews to get a good insight into the show without actually having to subject myself to it,.
I too have built a career working for a wildly wealthy person and you’re right, they and their ilk have their own plane of existence complete with their own moral codes. It’s like dealing with an alien who is unaware of how normal human beings think, behave, and interact (but in this case they are aware and choose to…
While it would never happen because Harry Styles is a fabulous celebrity and Ben Shapiro is a well-dwelling troll skittering for scraps of relevance, I now have an elaborate fantasy of them crossing paths and Harry Styles removes his rings and earrings daintily and then beats the shit out of Ben Shapiro while wearing…
Your begrudging reason for watching is my enthusiastic reason for watching. I like that I don’t have to pause if I gotta get up to do something. The music is good, Amy Sedaris is great (they were like what if Jeri Blank was a space mechanic? and did the damn thing) I like seeing new planets.
I spent the whole preview thinking that was Dakota Johnson and I thought casting Bella and Greys Anatomy Girl opposite each other was a BIT on the nose but I stand corrected.
I feel the opposite re: Braveheart and Patriot. I think Braveheart takes itself so seriously it is unwatchable but The Patriot is such obvious saccharine nonsense that I can’t click past it if I stumble upon it.
I actually take it a step further and assume that EVERY smart, interesting woman in history is always queer (regardless of how traditionally masculine or feminine she was or if there is no evidence otherwise). I believe the root of this behavior is in WLW ships and fandom, and I recognize it is probably problematic.
This was the most helpful explanation of the two I’ve ever read.
They could have pulled it off if the liking was one-way, like the girls developed this little crush on their coach and he was like “uh no, i am an adult man, focus on the footy you’re better than this”
Like, the entire premise of that love triangle was to set up the joke where Jules’ mom thinks she’s a lesbian and her and Jess are in a lovers quarrel but you could have done that without that pointless ass subplot.
I feel like I could just watch “The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia” again instead of watching this and get a much better musing on the struggles of addiction and cyclical poverty in appalacia....
I remember seeing this movie in high school at the “arts” theater in our suburban town. It got all the indies—I also saw Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, Igby Goes Down, and My Big Fat Greek Wedding before it broke records and went to the regular theater, and we felt extremely cool and edgy hanging out in the parking…
I mean I’d argue there is a whiff there last season, but yes the first two episodes of this season it’s pretty thin. Amy Sedaris is criminally underused, I wish she’d actually travel with him so at least one main character...yaknow....talks.
Look man, as someone whose 2 year old is constantly finding new ways to court death, I feel for Frog Lady. We’re all just tryin to not let our kid fall down a flight of stairs and/or not let our unfertilized eggs be eaten by mischievous mystery babies.
Does anyone else think Cowboy Bebop was just playing in the background when Favreau did this show. I keep seeing ppl pointing to Star Trek, but all I see are the real folk blues all over this.
I don’t agree with this take at all but I fully get why probably 50% of the folks watching this show feel the same way as you. I LOVE the decision to do a 90s style serial space western rather than double down on the mythology to do a “prestige TV” epic story that includes a web of mysteries and new mythology and chara…
A great level in a great game!
The low stakes in No Man’s Sky are very zen for me.
Ashley, your coverage of the past week has been fantastic and your Twitter threads on Tuesday and Wednesday life-giving.
Oh man do I agree, what a branding clusterfuck of XxXs.