
Totally me making this conjecture based on nothing but 14 years of casual viewing and reading Jez articles, but I feel like Kim (say what you will about Kourtney and Khloe...but Kim is the star of this vehicle and they were supporting cast) does not want to figure out how to semi-script what is going on with Kanye

They’re short reads! Put ‘em in your bathroom and you’ll probably finish the series in a couple months. 

Yes, the animated BC they did previously was mostly pulled from the plot of the second book, with some setup from the first. Off to do some googling on the new one! (You’re all good, I wasn’t meaning to sound aggrieved! I just meant “oh yes I have indeed seen that adaptation and erased it from my memory and am

Oh yes! DWJ good callout (haven’t read those in in over 25 years I think. I wonder if i still have them at my mom’s house?) and actually forgot the origin of Howl’s Moving Castle altogether!

Yeah, the variance of age makes it a hard sell, because it really stops being a “kids” show half way through. I feel like to do it successfully (with an adult or teen audience in mind) you’d almost have to begin in a later book and represent how she got there through flashback? 

This is why I should be in charge of all adaptations of my childhood faves because THAT WOULD THRILL ME and I would greenlight it faster than Gurgi on some crunchings and munchings.

Yeah, I’ve of course seen the animated version. I meant as a new,full chronological series starting with Book of Three.

Ohh...OHHHH....a Dahl Black Mirror-style anthology series pulled from Henry Sugar, Skin, and The Umbrella Man. His adult shit was DARK.

I’d be curious at what point in her academic career did she lean into this farce? My guess is it was a slow creep; as she built out her academic profile she began to slide in these fake stories of upbringing and ancestry, until she built out this whole fake identity and fake lived experience that she believed would

I love that gay candidates now have a goal post they must clear for how sown their wild oats were before they got wifed or husbanded up.

I keep waiting for someone to snap up Prydain and ruin it. Been thinking a lot about what YA epic series have yet to be consumed by one of these entities. They’ve plucked most of the low hanging fruit by now (Ender, Narnia, LOTR, Percy Jackson).

OMG YES. I read that and did a spit-take. Why the HELL would one expect a politican’s spouse’s politically-sanitized memoir to talk about when they lost their virginity???!!! Like, how is that even an expectation or a reasonable complaint other than it’s another Rich Juzwiak: The Gaytekeeper takedown.

No, just those three. I take your point. And it made me laugh. But just those three specifically egregious adaptations.

Yes, most likely, I know at one point someone had the rights to it, but I feel like that was some time ago.

Everyone knows that the blood oath your parents take when they sell you to the Disney Channel is to accept that only ONE Disney Channel Kid is allowed to go on to be wildly successful, and I think we all knew that, if you’re on a show w/ ain’t gonna be you.

Why would anyone “sort of make Kindred” when they could just make Kindred, which is practically a perfect book and would have been an amazing series?

Samara Weaving has one of those faces where every time I see her I stop and go: Is that Margot Robbie? Is that Emma Stone? Is that Gillian Jacobs?

Megan!! As a fellow early aughts graduate, thank you for this Juvenile update I didn’t know I needed (during these UNPRECEDENTED TIMES).

I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why it is so hard for filmmakers getting tapped for a ride on this COVID-accelerated nostalgia train to look back at their stuff and say, “yeah, those parts were fucked up, we shouldn’t have done that.” This movie is great, but let’s be real about the “fag n’ retard” were reflecting

Was on my way to writing this very same response the second I read: “I’ve read infinite jest 3 times”