
Reminds me of those two-tone Chargers from the mid-70s.

Counterpoint: Ford was able to copy Jaguar’s iconic grill design for its own sedans (such as Taurus, Focus and Fusion). The iconic look made the cars somewhat palpable to the buying public, and Ford made billions in profits off the sale of those mediocre cars, which likely wouldn’t have sold so well without that Jag

Except Trump/Musk (Trusk?) have too much in common.


Well, let him stop the funding. Those who voted for him will soon learn just how far-reaching government support is throughout the American economy, and perhaps they will finally learn their lesson.

Tail of the Dragon, with perfect driving conditions and NO other traffic.

We've upgraded, so now my wife's 2008 Accord is the old car in the household.  Previously, it was my 2002 Accord, which i traded in five years ago for a Ridgeline.

This probably doesn’t count because it’s bass-ackwards of what you asked, but...

They could've built one off the Durango years ago.  It's kinda late now, as that Durango platform probably originated nearly 30 years ago.

Maybe they could name it “Bunkshuss”?

The Citroen was also featured in the “Red 2" movie.

Flywheels can retain energy, much like batteries. It is simply mechanical (physical) energy storage as opposed to the chemical energy storage used in batteries. It makes the whole package more efficient (though, arguably, the juice may not be worth the squeeze). “Shifting the gears” is not really necessary, but does

They need a series of flywheels in the platform. Get flywheel #1 up to speed, then shift to 2nd to get flywheel #2 up to speed, etc. The flywheel momentum can be transferred back to the generator (e.g. - regen braking) or to the wheels if preferred (going up a hill, accelerating into traffic, etc.). The flywheels can

They are at least five years too late to the game. When asked five years ago about a mid-size truck, Ram replied that they have the Ram Classic to fill that position.

1st Gear: Elon won’t care much as long as he gets max gov’t deregulation for his self-driving tech as well as Skynet, err, Starlink satellites so that he can have monopolistic control of near-earth space.

“Let’s make parking spaces larger!” = “Give a drunk a drink.”

That will never happen without severe regulation. Automakers have fogured out that they can charge a much higher percentage of profit for larger vehicles, and people continue to be dumb enough to pay that extra premium.

Eventually, people are going to figure out that EVs last a lot longer than ICE equivalents, and then that steep depreciation will evaporate.  Get your EV deals while you can!

I think the Jag convertible was an aftermarket option through a company called Lister, based out of Gary, Indiana. I may be mis-remembering, as it’s been about 35 years or so.....

Suicide knobs are meant for low-speed maneuvering, hence their popularity on tractors, forklifts, boats, etc. Same holds true for vehicles, except most folks aren’t smart enough to not use them above 10mph, which is why they gained their moniker and are typically illegal to use on passenger vehicles.