
#wheresthemoney, Umar?

Wearing lotion in the summer is something I dread. I mean, for one, I'm a bicyclist, so I sweat a lot. Slapping on some St. Ives knowing that sweat, dirt AND lotion is on my skin in HOT weather grosses me out. I'd rather just wear my sweat.

The pure fuckery of folks putting this movie over the fact that Parker did the shit that he did. That because, somehow, the percerived "importance" of this movie coming out and whatever TF folks think it will do for the black community is more of a talking point than the scarring of the victim.

I'm one of the photographers for this campaign and it's an amazing experience! Seeing so many sistahs rocking their hair and expressing it with pride gives me so much life!

As a proud 1984 baby, I always feel like it's my duty to go outside, grab a chair, sit on a porch and tell stories of the era of being a latch-key kid, Tupac, the time that Sprite became the "urban" soda and when folks clamored to watch Soul Train after the Saturday morning cartoons.

People stay sleep on Bandcamp. 1/3 of my music repertoire is from artists GIVING away their music on Bandcamp and the music is full of substance.

Girl, I said the same thing. I was clutching my pearls watching her slide. Thank GOD she ain't hurt nothin'!

They could've followed him up with D'Angelo, who was another reason why I watched the show in the first place.

Was I the only one feeling awkward about Future performing RIGHT after Jesse's speech? It was like someone farting at a baptism.

Why, oh why, would they try to make an audience feel sympathy for the literal devil? Damien, in the original movie, practically enjoyed being the monster he was destined to be as if he already knew his purpose. So why make him feel reluctant, now? Even if we still had to run with the amnesia thing, he should still be