Graphic Blandishment

"The Smiths became known not only for timeless melodies and Morrissey’s proto-emo lyrics…"
I flipped those qualities around for you so that no one erroneously thinks that Morrissey was the one responsible for The Smith's amazing melodies and guitar lines. (Though truth be told, I'm a fan of a lot of Moz's solo work.)

OK. I've been on the registry for a while but never matched.

Hmmm. Also, did you end up doing that bone marrow donation? (I'm not creepily stalking you, just checked how far back your comment history went!)

Really wishing that you had an avatar to go with that username.

Isn't Rob Riggle also somewhat conservative?

This WAS their radio hit. It was all over KFOG in San Francisco.

I bought the Comedian DVD just for the trailer.

Road to Rio


Hey! Head of State is much appreciated at my house.

Iman would have made a great early 2000s Storm. The version in the current solo comic series is a lot different, and would need to be played by someone much more grounded.

Joss Whedon has said that that's how he meant for the line to be delivered. He blames Halle Berry.

Keep as much of those memories as clearly as you can to get you through the six weeks after your baby is born when sex is a no-no (assuming a vaginal birth), and the year-and-a-half when it will be few and far between.

Yeah, exactly. Be aware that "getting back at her father" relationships don't always work out, especially if that's her main basis for being with you. But the sex can be great!

Why isn't this show on Hulu?

I remember getting the cassingle of "Sin" at about 14 and feeling so transgressive…

These articles are all a prelude to Mr. Diamond appearing on AV Undercover this week, right? That's why we have a double article about ND?

He played on some of their albums too.