The best client on iOS right now—according to Thorin—is actually Outlook.
The best client on iOS right now—according to Thorin—is actually Outlook.
BUT, does it show if it's tracking us itself? who watches the watcher??
Fairly sure it's Vim, with Powerline and NerdTree plugins, and the text in the bottom left looks like a .vim filename (which of course could be opened in Emacs, but still).
On the forgetting an important item front: I just went to the big Miku Expo and concert in LA a few weekends ago with my boyfriend who had only flown once before. He was planning to meet me at work and then we would walk across the street to the airport. I had made sure to remind him about 50 times while he was…
All good ideas. It's also important to keep your chin up. Most travel glitches aren't disasters, and you can manage them.
Just need a couple good friends.
It sounds like a challenge to make this; an ice bucket challenge.
There are still a few sweltering days of summer left, and if you're looking for a cool breeze without the expense of…
Vote: Surface Pro 3
VOTE: vim
well till date i have 35 credit cards (find the snapshot of few cards handy) according to me its a big mistake if you're not able to manage it els its a good things to utilize cash back, offers, miles & reward points.
wait, lifehacker automatically resize the picture on my previous comment, here is the URL
Why not just have both? My kitty Lucy on the left, puppy Lulabelle on the right.
There can be no argument of the superiority of dogs.
stolen from James Forde's response to George Takei's post of this image. To my knowledge he is the original author as he did not cite a source.