RIP to the only human that could actually get me to read a whole article about Twitch or UFC—two things I could not possibly care less about.
Hope you’re leaving for something awesome, sir. Stay in school. Don’t do drugs. Etc.
RIP to the only human that could actually get me to read a whole article about Twitch or UFC—two things I could not possibly care less about.
Hope you’re leaving for something awesome, sir. Stay in school. Don’t do drugs. Etc.
Comment posted too quickly for me to have read article in entirety. Condescending sentence calling out author for not including piece of information clearly detailed in paragraph 4 of the story. Follow-up referencing tangential or entirely unrelated fact betraying a shallow understanding of the topic based on half a…
The biggest lie of modern capitalism: grow or die.
“You can’t go up forever. Peaking isn’t a bad thing.”
Holy shit... Talk about DejaVu... I come here to make a comment on this post, and see... a comment from myself on this post... From 3 years ago... The formula is still the same.
Who amongst us has not been young and stuck our dick in crazy?
I quit WoW for a similar reason. When people in the guild start acting like your boss or you start getting “punished” for attendance or taking breaks, you gotta walk away from that shit.
Consumers: “Retailers should do something, anything so that it is more fair and scalpers can’t instantly sell them out!”
Sending you hugs Fiona.
Oh man...
I look forward to playing that on Switch in late 2021 after paying $3.25 for it.
Both things suck
Did they just... roadmap their roadmap?
For my money, there’s nobody in the intervening 6 years who has stepped in to fill the weirdly subversive, genuinely funny, and wickedly sharp shoes of I’ll be tuning in (if tuning is the thing I need to do to watch it). If this new G4 can capture that spirit, I’ll certainly be happy.
Completely unrelated, but what the hell is this? Spanfeller completing the Forbesification of G/O?
The models still look like absolute abominations. I honestly don’t know who decided on this art direction, but its horrendous. Iron Man just looks all wrong.
Thanks. I could care less about those items, so it looks like I can stay away from Harv’s predator shack.
I swear, the more I see stuff like this it makes me think I am playing a different shittier game ...
Anyone who has fun differently from me is wrong, and also probably a cheater somehow.