And now, an epic tale of love and dedication only possible through video games.
And now, an epic tale of love and dedication only possible through video games.
I am so sorry for your nephew and whole family. That is a terrible experience. I agree with you that the midwife should be held responsible, but unfortunately, I don’t know the laws surrounding that. Dr. Amy Tuteur may be able to give you some guidance...she blogs at The Skeptical OB.
The problem with saying that there is an ideal c-section rate is that it is impossible to say whether or not a c-section was necessary until after a woman chooses not to have one, and there is a negative outcome as a result. And a “negative outcome” in this case means a dead or brain damaged baby. So most OBs…
There’s wanting to do it that way (vaginal, no drugs) but then there’s the perception that that’s the only ~right~ way, and that moms who do otherwise are lazy/selfish/etc. Which is crazy common. Those of us who didn’t or couldn’t do it that way catch a lot of guilt and condescension from the “natural” group. I didn’t…
Ugh, my sister’s friend recently had a baby at home with just the services of a ‘natural midwife’ who I have to believe is a charlatan. When the mother was informed that her baby was breech and there wasn’t enough amniotic fluid to turn the baby safely, she and this fucking monster of a midwife ‘did some research’ and…
Sorry, no.
Can we stop this? Do you think that these women have the luxury of looking at stupid pictures of animals to make them feel better? If you can’t handle it, fine. Log out. But stop trying to derail with requests for pictures of animals. It is beyond obnoxious at this point.
This one was cool.
You weren’t there
Where in the hell does that wet floor sign come from? And why?
Then there is other people, like myself, that find Diablo’s combat mind numbingly boring and WoW’s and the like compelling.
I imagine the family picture has everyone wearing khaki’s and matching sweaters.
Ladies and gentlemen, your 2015 Texas Longhorns...