
I would cut my 401k contribution down to the company match and use the extra to save towards a house before I would ever take money out of a retirement account. Really, I would consider a $30k gain in my IRA a great move for my retirement and nothing else and continue business as usual.

Yep, I’d sell current house and rent before I’d ever consider touching any retirement.

Probably worth mentioning that leaving your employer voluntarily or involuntarily will likely trigger repayment and/or tax implications.

The best part of the story is that Stephanie doubled the number of folks who read the Root story. I am gonna call that a win for the good guys.

This is super confusing as a policy. Do you have PTO as part of your package? It should be your time. Whether you use this for a fancy vacation, taking care of a sick kid or running errands is irrelevant. Definitely take vacation for some job interviews.

My god. Every single person even remotely connected to this administration and family is a complete moron.

They shouldn’t even be asking you what you are going to do on a vacation day. Just put in a request for a vacation day, don’t tell them why or what you’re doing. It’s just a request for a vacation day (or days), nothing more need to be said about it. It’s none of their business. If they decline it they decline it but

I tried to do this the other day (car repair and eye exam and schedule a therapy session for prescription purposes) and my boss said at my age (28) I should be responsible enough to get my things done outside of work time, and declined my request. I took it up with HR and their rules are the supervisors determine when

Is it currently a sellers market in the US?

I absolutely love April Ryan. She is doing what every single one of the members of the non propoganda media needs to do to these schmoes. Stand up and swing hard for the fences. Love watching her hit doubles all day long off Aunt Lydia.

Great video!

It’s fucked up that women’s bodily autonomy had to be put up for vote in the first place, but this is very good news. Nice to see evangelical US Christians waste a bunch of money too; they usually win over here.

The turnout for this referendum was over 64%.

You spelled “committed mass genocide” wrong

Daughterfucker actually

At no point did I say anything remotely resembling “pro-life people oppose abortion rights because they think a fetus is a man’s property”. I pointed out that Scott Pruitt is popular with Christian conservatives because he repeatedly introduced legislation trying to restrict abortion access.

this is a bad take. Dems are helping the GOP pass bills that the GOP couldnt pass otherwise. Every Dem should be a hard “no” for every single thing that the GOP supports. Dems should only attempt to work on things that the GOP (mostly) despises - like DACA and healthcare.

No wonder he’s so popular with Christian conservatives. He was also unusual among pro-life legislators for openly saying that he wanted women to be punished if they got abortions (for destroying some man’s property). He wasn’t content with threatening doctors.

There have been some very bad vibes as of late from the DNC and many established democrats who have been floating further right. And its this reason we have to treat these guys like Republicans and vote them out in primaries. Except the DNC funds these asshats like there’s no tomorrow... God we’re in so much fucking