
Here’s the thing - no one has proposed that these men go to jail or get shipped off to Siberia or any other hyperbolic response (with the exception of men who have actually done something against the law). No one is proposing that they should never again work in their chosen fields, in this case as artists. Of course

Who is qualified to say these abusers / predators have changed? Who would let their kid spend the night with a convicted pedophile who swears they are sorry and are “changed”?

There are so many talented, amazing people in this world. We don’t *need* Louis CK. We don’t *need* Woody Allen. Allowing them to continue making art takes up space other, non-asshole people could have, and it absolutely validates them. Not to mention what it must feel like as a victim of these men to watch them

I would consider it assault to have a man expose himself in front of me without my permission and masturbate. I shouldn’t have to deal with that in the work place, in public or anywhere. Pushing yourself sexually on someone is assault. Louis CK is a serial sexual predator.

That’s... a very interesting question. I wonder why on earth you would defend a guy who did that to your own freaking sister.

her.... sister?

There are people that just deny everything they’re accused of and they continue to be the politicians or the filmmakers that they are. And there are people that come and say, I’m guilty of these things, and I’m wrong, and I want to be changed from this. And yet those are the ones that kind of are excommunicated

They’re all stupid suggestions. The only sensible solution is to stop playing the fucking national anthem.

I am so roused by O Canada, it’s a great anthem. Ours kind of sucks.

No more national anthems at sporting arenas (except “O, Canada” at hockey games in Canada). Problem solved.

I would never disrespect a troop. My granfather was troop. Each troop means something special to the person who loves that troop. Our country depends on the respect we give to each and every troop. Gorb bless all the troop.

Guys, guys. Come on. We’re all being silly here. We need to get back to who we are as an ownership group and do what we always do.

This is all so fucking dumb.

“But—and I can’t stress this enough—it’s important you actually make plans with him ahead of time for those non-gaming nights. It’s never a good idea to wait for him to sit down to play and then ask him if he wants to do something with you.”

I was thinking, this sounds a lot like being married to an alcoholic: his free time planned around one specific activity and becoming angry when he’s asked to stop doing it for even one night; blaming the spouse for her unhappiness and suggesting she’s a nag, or she never lets him have any fun; the disinterest in sex

Yes, they sound younger-they should split and start over instead of throwing good money after bad.

it’s important you actually make plans with him ahead of time for those non-gaming nights ... Plan some fun dates that get him off his ass and out of the house. Help him find the excitement in the real world again.

Um, she already was doing everything you suggested? Planning activities, initiating sex/creating romance (whatever that means) and his response is defensiveness, disinterest, and insults. This guy is a walking red flag.

Did she not know she was marrying a gamer manchild before, or...? I wonder how old these people are that all night every night gaming binges are even a possibility for this dude.