Who the F does he think has been wearing the nose rings and tattoos in Southie (Boston)?
Who the F does he think has been wearing the nose rings and tattoos in Southie (Boston)?
My mom’s family is from Western MA, and in the 70s and 80s, I remember that it was more like the 50s over there. I never saw a person of color. They def were behind the times. Then manufacturing tanked, unemployment took over, farmers suffered, and the railways were ditched for highways (not necessarily in that order).…
My last sentence indicates why this is false. The overarching issue is the consumption of plastic and of course limited resources. You can’t drill for new raw materials forever.
You said, “It is not an issue if you put it in landfills.” That is false.
I’m gonna refer you back to my last sentence.
I wasn’t aware that SNL darkened his skin. He is of Venezuelan, Korean, and German descent. It looked like his regular skin tone to me,
Carbon is not the only issue regarding the consumption of plastic. Plastic breaks down into toxic microplastics or leaches toxins into the environment and chokes, engorges, or entangles wildlife. Plastic products require fracking and drilling for oil, which is extremely toxic to the environment and triggers…
Friends definitely helped her star power, but her father was a soap opera star, so I think that’s what initially facilitated the expansion of her CV. Although I find her to be mostly one-note, I’ve enjoyed her range in smaller films like the Good Girl, Management, Cake, and Horrible Bosses.
I would like to meet these people who like their private insurance. Really? Do they just like it bc they have zero healthcare needs and picked the cheapest, most bare-boned policy they could find?
I agree; everyone should be vetted and AOC and Sanders aren’t infallible.
If the Secret Service were to call in sick en masse, this might be over. Or, as I think Libby? suggested, if all TSA agents in Atlanta were to be “sick” during Superbowl weekend...
Americans (myself include) loved it. Did the Brits?
Um hello John Goodman is in it bc Brits loved him in King Ralph
Yeah, he’s not thinking about many things including the ripple effect to contractors and vendors. The government is a huge fucking national customer.
WTF annual raises are you talking about? Obama and Trump have frozen pay for years. Our pay rates are lower than those of the private sector. Finally, you should have sympathy for anyone who loses a job or pay* because 1)it’s empathy 101 and 2) it hurts the entire economy. Get your head out of your ass.
Their millet bread, once toasted, is actually ok. It’s gluten free, which is the reason that I eat it.
In what town were they staying?
The fact that she deliberately listed herself as Native American in a directory was always the biggest red flag for me. What the actual fuck - she could not even say who exactly was her NA relative. I believed that she believed she carried that heritage, but obviously she had no cultural ties to it that would qualify…
“Unfortunately she was not asked what she did before the show, but I’m putting my money on Club Liv and bottles.”
“that it was a face meant to be overcome” -- She’s already tried that with a nose job and lip injections