
He’s been doing a lot of pro-bono work for detained immigrant families/kids, so I’m grateful to him for that (as well as this recent gig. But guy’s a cheeseball.

“If you use two pots, you can easily take out the inner pot at watering time. Or put gravel at the bottom of the outer pot if you must, where you know the dirt won’t seep into it and you can inspect and empty it at any time.”

You said  “they live in a small town.” That’s different.

nailed it

But also has to do with demographics. Ie, the NE and Boston are in particular are teeming with women and millenials much more than they are with men and GenX.

Yeah, I have a lot of work to do today anyway.

You’re paying the tip in part because in many states they literally get a lower “server” minimum wage, and the government expects them to earn a certain amount of tips, which it estimates and taxes.

I’m sorry that you don’t believe me. That’s your problem, not mine.

My ex boyfriend was catty, former male roommates have been quite gossipy. A male acquaintance is both. Not all people are catty and gossipy. SOME women are, SOME men are. I have used specific examples. You are using “men” and “women” in your argument, as absolutes.

There are certain men in my life who I definitely describe as catty and gossipy, BECAUSE THEY ARE.

I used an accurate description of the women in my office. There are people in the world who have these personality/behavioral traits. The people in my office who have them happen to be women.

There wasn’t anything women-blamey about using a specific example to poke holes in a blanket statement. I was pointing out the behavior of people I know. If we women can’t handle that, then something is wrong.

Dear god, I called the women IN MY OFFICE catty, etc. Because they are. How do you not understand that I did not call all women that?

Exactly. Anyone can be shitty, which is why I hate it when people say that women should be in charge of everything. What is so hard to understand about being wary of absolutes?

I’m being sexist because I reported how things are at my workplace? ROTFL. FFS, no one expected thm to be that way bc of their gender. They are that way bc they choose to be that way.

In my workplace, the women are the most horrible catty two-faced gossips, so, not convinced that one gender is more likely to be good if the power were balanced between the two. (I am a woman).

Uggghhhhhhhnnnnfff. This is why I hate it when people say, “Women should be in charge of everything.” Nope. Women can be shitty too.

Biotin interferes with blood test results. There’s an FDA warning about it.

But what’s in it? That matters.

But what’s in it? That matters.

Asics also were the only shoes that worked for me. But a few years ago, they decided to NARROW THE FUCKING TOE BOX on their shoes, and now I’m so desperate for supportive footwear that I’m thinking of sealing my feet in concrete blocks.