My best friend’s brother wears full MAGA gear on purpose to elicit a reaction. It’s fucked up.
My best friend’s brother wears full MAGA gear on purpose to elicit a reaction. It’s fucked up.
He literally writes words for a living. Sorry, not buying it.
As tepid as it was.
I’m glad that Liz finally said something.
Alba was a hidden gem.
People commenting on this article are getting butt hurt about the “targeting of children.” FFS, we’re targeting the shitty parents who aren’t minding their kids, never set limits, or teach them how to behave in public. Thank goodness you get it, and your kids will thank you too when they’re older.
You always write something in your posts that cracks me up.
Some of these are downright sociopathic.
I think there’s an old lifehacker post that says when you make the purchase, it’s better to select the currency of the country you’re currently in.
While looking into flights to Scandinavia, I reached out to three airlines and asked them what country their payments were processed in. You would be amazed at how difficult it was to get them to answer that question.
How do I become un-gray on Splinter? I was not gray on Gawker.
I’m really pissed at Maggie Haberman for incorrectly accusing Wolf of making fun of Sanders’s appearance. And she doubled down about it on twitter!
ok, thanks for the info
But designing a POS cable (seriously, read the reviews on apple’s site) attached to a seemingly well-designed charger and charging $80 just encourages some people to buy a knockoff charger when the cable coating starts to break.
that’s good to know
What is the reason (other than greed) that Apple won’t design and sell a removable cable for the charger? Usually it’s part of the cable that needs replacing, not the actual charger.
Can confirm.
Exactly. I guess a lot of jezzies don’t know how much of an asshole he is.
Lest we forget how charming David Cross is:
Why is Amber Tamblyn with David Cross?