I dunno. That’s TMZ citing anonymous sources, and her lawyer denied the claim of extortion. TMZ is garbage and lives in the inner cracks of Kris Kardashian’s butthole.
I dunno. That’s TMZ citing anonymous sources, and her lawyer denied the claim of extortion. TMZ is garbage and lives in the inner cracks of Kris Kardashian’s butthole.
This was the most important detail of the letter. WTF? They’ve never met, after over 2 years. That’s the first problem.
The impact of endocrine disruptors might shed light on the reason some people don’t benefit from diets.
I totally did.
I feel validated tonight. I’m watching Veep, and there is a running joke about menopausal women and wearing Eileen Fisher, which is something I observed a while ago on jez, and now I feel like I’m fuckin brilliant. (I’m menopausal, as a disclaimer. But nope to me wearing EF.)
Oh, girl. I’m sorry. He sucks, and next time, you don’t owe anyone much of an explanation other than “no thanks”, especially if he’s being a jerk.
Vulva, not vagina.
Yeah, I’m thinking recovery will take 2 years at least. More volatility is imminent.
Anyone can get the HPV vaccine; it just may not be covered if you age out, because the studies focus on a certain cohort. Per my OB-GYN.
“Jeffery” —> Jeffrey
Yeah, the girlfriend has problems, but the dude is kind of a self-impressed, deluded wanker.
I’d prefer Mike Capuano.
I have 100k in cash and I’m definitely not rich.
For one, the IRS assumes a certain percentage tip based on the tab to be collected by the server. At least that was the case when I was a server years ago. The minimum wage laws need to change for servers, and I think that tipping should be abolished.
You are tipping for service, not just for the food.
Another troll I think is Jezzediah
Usually I think this, but then they have comedians in cars getting coffee with Seinfeld, who is. not. funny. and is old hat.
On the one hand, this is fucked up. On the other hand, I really hate actor awards.