

He’s an idiot for that, because the studies I have read place outdoor cats and building much much higher on the super killer list, and turbines actually mitigate global climate change, which REALLY kills birds.

Libby, if you can’t see the integral connection between birds and the environment....

Haha, I got it. :)

I thought of this. I still think that the parents are super lame and/or encouraging this shit.

They are already favoring one child over the others by not shutting down her delusional and destructive behavior. Maybe they are doing this to maintain access to the grandkids. But it seems like the mother is fanning the fire.

I feel like the parents should be saying this.


To the post-grad living at home: Maybe I misunderstood, but it seems like your parents are playing you and Morgan off each other (you reading texts on Mom’s phone - I assume with her permission?). Or, at the least, your parents should be firmly and resolutely stopping your sister from hurling about all of these false

You really have no idea how badly this will impact the families of fed workers who already have suffered from past shutdowns and years of fed pay raises meant to appease the Rs, WHO DID NOT GIVE A SHIT. Do you really think Rs care if the government is shut down? Rs hate big government. A shutdown would not make them

I was going to say, most if not all international flights that I was trying to book had some sort of warning about this. I think he just didn’t pay attention. Also, it’s common sense to check the State Dept website for info and the country’s website about crossing its borders.

“Lay his hands on me.”


And the underrated FX show Married

No. My mind often jumps to the big picture when I read an article, so this is plausible to me. But also, I don’t really care if they read the article or not. It still made sense to me and it made me laugh and fuck all MRAs.

Or, they quickly thought about the broader context. I thought it was funny, and relevant, if not as directly as you’d prefer it to be. Peace.

I thought that there was relevance to the broader context of the issues concerning female comedians and the reasons they may want to promote a ladies’ night.

It was sarcasm.

It was sarcasm.

I don’t disagree with you; It seemed like you were blaming the folks who came after the Boomers for poor saving habits.