
I’m sorry that you had to deal with that in college.

LW1: Never, ever assume that your job will be there for you forever. Always have a back up plan. Learn new skills on the side either by teaching yourself at night or taking classes.

What makes you think I can afford help?

Exactly. As long as we elect big-bank-friendly politicians (Like Obama and Clinton), we will have this problem.

My mother is a crazy hoarder. I’m screwed.

Chichen Itza was amazing. I wish that we had not gone with a tour group, so that we had more time to walk around.

I’m sorry that you are sick.

I actually liked it. :)

Back in the 90s when I was an undergrad in a Span Lit program, I was shocked to discover the color & class warfare that existed among native speakers. Rich white people from South America stuck with the Madrilenas. Brown people from Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico did not exist to them.

I liked the first episode, the one about the soldier, and the Jessica Chastain one.

Did she pop in at the end of the meeting to say hi, I wonder?

Some of us have medical issues and it takes a while for the poop to happen, even if you feel like you need to go.

“I’m under no illusion Manning walks on water.” 

It was Kirkman, but she never confirmed either way:

Does everyone follow shauna on twitter or what?

I think allergies have much more complex and varied sources than just exposure history.

Do other legumes bother you in any way? I would tell your PCP during next checkup, at the very least. It could be cross contamination of something that you wouldn’t think to avoid.

Another vote for term limits

There would have to be a subsidization for medical education to make single payer in this country work, I’m guessing. I say that as someone who desperately wants it.

I see it.