
Yeah, I saw this coming as soon as he started posting gym selfies of his new hot bod.

Ah, I see. I’m not done yet, so hopefully I didn’t jinx myself. I’m happy to provide furniture-related posts for this blog. :)

Waka Waka. Wise guy.

Wow, did you read my mind? Spent the last couple of hours with a rubber mallet, and had a small a-ha moment, no thanks to the shitty diagram. For anyone who cares: it’s better to secure the holes in the back first. Thanks for the input!

I’ll ask them, thank you.

Metal furniture assembly thread.

I was going to say either the snoring is alcohol related or it’s sleep apnea. My ex was a horrible snorer when he was drunk, which was most nights that I saw him.

Mindfulness has helped me deal better with everyone except my mother. The only thing that works around her is not being in her presence and ignoring her calls/e-mails.

I loved TKoQ but not KJ. It was a very confusing time for me.

I agree and blasted him on twitter about it at the time.

He’s a tad showboaty for my tastes, but if he’s getting real progressive work done, it’s fine.

I think it’s fair to criticize any politician on any single action they take, but also praise them for the good work they do. That was my approach to the Prez Election as well. I’m not sure how many people have joined the mob against Booker, but then again I’m not in NJ.

Good points. Hard to know what his motivation was for voting no on the first bill, as the FDA screens out harmful substances supposedly from imports. He’s done some good work, but I don’t know his full record.

Patrick was a lame governor, and his appointment of Bev Scott as GM of the MBTA was an utter, total disaster. I say that as someone who voted for him.

When he shut down the bridge, a woman died because emergency vehicles couldn’t get through. Who gives a fuck about fascinating conversations with him?

She’s growing a gin blossom. Why did I never notice that before?

Sure it does. It forces him to be honest with himself about the source of the problem.

Either you covered up the classroom friendship because you actually were emotionally cheating on your wife and aren’t telling us, or you covered this up because your wife is quick to anger and jealousy.

Events and “yard” sales are 90% of my FB usage.