
Shelley dropped out of 11th grade to get with Leo

Lynch did that gross thing with so many characters ... Audrey and Cooper, Shelley and Leo, Nadine and Mike, many middle aged men and Laura, Agent Cole and Shelley, the blonde woman who scammed James, the redhead and the mayor (and every man in town). One my main criticisms of Lynch, even as a TP superfan.

I recently read in Rolling Stone that even Queen Elizabeth was an avid viewer.

Farmed fish can be fed with wild fish meal. I have read that farmed shrimp can require 2 - 3 times its weight in fish meal. can’t find the source right this minute, though. also, farming fish can destroy mangroves, which are critical for protecting and purifying coastlines as well as providing critical habitat for

I have read that lawn seed like Pearl’s Premium is a good option. I rent so I don’t know for sure, but it’s popular at Whole Foods. Advertised as requiring fewer mowing and watering instances, as the grass grows slowly and is drought resistant.

Which would be additionally troubling because greens take up a lot of heavy metals through their root systems.

Are you talking about the Infinity Mirror exhibit?

Artificial turf is bad for so many reasons, but one is that it contributes to the urban heat island effect.

At least Goop has acting talent.

This is amazing information. Thank you for sharing it.

It was nauseating.

If I remember correctly, both men and women can sign up for a free trial with limited access. They aren’t marked as such to us paying chumps. This way, Match makes it appear as if it has more “real” members than it actually does. I think the people with limited access aren’t required to post photos. Don’t quote me.

46 yo woman here. Match is terrible. I had relatively better luck on OKC.

I’m having that problem with my Harper’s subscription, and it’s the reason I had to cancel my subscription to the Nation.

Re: the first link, in that thread it’s clear that G&T is saying something different from what you indicate.

My plan is simpler: A giant asteroid takes out Trump, Pence, and Ryan.

FFS, read the article.

Goodness, man. You don’t know what fixed costs are?

Helaine Olen (finance writer) disproved this, and pointed out that it’s the fixed costs that bring the most negative impact and are the most difficult to whittle down.

At first, I thought it was satire.