How dare you insult me with a gif of this pathetic remake.
How dare you insult me with a gif of this pathetic remake.
At least no one constructed a wicker man?
This is something a therapist should help you with. But maybe if you remember that once you were a baby that “fell down” a million times while trying to learn how to walk, talk, be a growing human. And here you are, using the English language and living in this world. We’re all still growing and we all fall down. But…
I think it helps if you realize that there is no “success” without “failure,” and that life’s trajectory is not a straight line. Also, “failure” gives you immeasurable opportunities for learning. Every time I “fail,” I dissect what went wrong, and try to work on those individual issues at a pace that I can handle.
: (
Sea Urchin told the Man-O-War what you did.
I changed my mind about her after seeing Saved!
Yup - and just the road trip homage to regular folks hanging around outside.
Loved it too. For me, the second and equally important story was the pictorial tale of semi-rural middle America.
I felt that way after the pilot but if you kept watching, you discovered how layered Dern’s character and her past/future relationships were.
What I studies in school was that corruption existed at every level, not just among the oligarchy.
I really hope that you are right.
I liked Obama, but he was too centrist on many issues like this one and the environment.
It makes me sad, that today, on the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the country of Turkey continues to exist in total denial.
Or you could try posting on Bumble. And definitely edit this down by at least 50%.
He’s talked this way for a very long time. At least 15 years.
Great article. I personally wonder at what point in time a species should be deemed “native,” after having taken a few grad-level ecology classes.
I live in the Boston area and my idiot cousin told me to hurry up and have kids when I was 42.
That is excellent news!